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Copyright Fair Use?

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Junior Member
Hi all,

I'm a junior at Bryn Mawr College writing a paper on the public's interpretation of "fair use" in copyright law. I have a few subjective questions about the law and would appreciate any responses (especially from legal professionals!) to them:

According to the US Constitution, the purpose of copyright law is to “promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries” (Article I, Section 8). Over time, copyright protection has been extended to virtually all forms of the media, including musical works, computer software, and visual works. However, as copyright law encompassed more works the question of violation arose: what is copyright infringement and where is the line drawn between appropriate and inappropriate use of copyrighted works? To answer this question, the concept of ‘fair use’ was introduced. Fair use was supposed to grant a “privilege in others than the owner of a copyright to use the copyrighted material in a reasonable manner without . . . consent” (Duke University School of Law).Fair use was designed to encourage the dissemination of ideas through new and novel mediums. But what constitutes “fair” use and “unfair” use was never properly delineated and has remained subject to the interpretations of various courts.

In light of this information, I ask:

Are audio tracks that use similar musical patterns “fair”? (cf. Soft Cell’s Tainted Love with pop singer, Rhianna’s, S.O.S)

Are unquoted passages in books “fair”? (cf. The Sand Child by Ben Jelloun and “The Wasteland” by T.S. Eliot)

Are films that feature elements (characters, plots, etc.) of other films “fair”? (cf. the Scary Movie series)

Are paradoies “fair”?

Where do you think the line between “fair” and “unfair” use lies? Further, what do you think should be done to the current concept of “fair use” to make it more effective in achieving the goals of copyright law as stated by the Constitution?


Senior Member
The volunteers on this site do not do homework (generally, at least ;)). You can certainly check back, however, to see if anyone has had enough spare time to tackle your questions.

I can tell you right off that the public's interpretation of fair use is often far different than the law's interpretation of fair use. You may want to use the "search" function at the top of this page, enter "fair use" in the key word section, and read a few threads.

There is a short video on fair use that you might find informative, by the way. The film was created by Professor Eric Faden of Bucknell University for the Stanford Center for Internet and Society. The film is available for viewing at both the Stanford site and on YouTube.

You can google "A Fair y Use Tale" to locate the YouTube video or go to cyberlaw.stanford.edu/documentary-film-program/film/a-fair-y-use-tale.

Good luck on your paper.
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