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Petition for Injunction Help

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Junior Member
I live in Virginia. Here's the short version of my story-

I originally went to court a few days ago under a Freedom of Information Act suit. The judge said he would have ruled in my favor but I sued an individual and not the individual in their official capacity so now I must refile.

I was wondering if a lawyer could look over my petition for me. If you post your email, I can send it to you.


Senior Member
I live in Virginia. Here's the short version of my story-

I originally went to court a few days ago under a Freedom of Information Act suit. The judge said he would have ruled in my favor but I sued an individual and not the individual in their official capacity so now I must refile.

I was wondering if a lawyer could look over my petition for me. If you post your email, I can send it to you.
If you'd like an attorney to assist you, you'll have to click on the blue link that says "find an attorney" and pay for their services.

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