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Blue lighted - what happens first?

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? North

Once a police officer is behind you in his/her patrol car on the road, and hits on the blue lights, what happens first? Does he/she:

1) Blue light you (until you eventually pull over), and then ask for your license and registration? Elaborate


2) Blue light you, while at the same time calling in your plate number to find out who you are, if its a stolen vehicle, etc.? Elaborate

Now let's go back to option #1. When you hand an officer your license and they walk back to their patrol vehicle, what exactly do they check for (possible warrants, revoked license, previous record, etc.)? Elaborate. Also, what do they do with your registration?

Sorry for all the questions :( I'm a curious man.

The Occultist

Senior Member
I can only answer part of your question. From what I've seen, when an officer has decided to pull you over, they like to ride your tail in order to get your plate number so they can run it, and then pull you over. Not always the case, but it is something I have noticed.


Senior Member
smedlock86 said:
What is the name of your state? North

Once a police officer is behind you in his/her patrol car on the road, and hits on the blue lights, what happens first? Does he/she:

1) Blue light you (until you eventually pull over), and then ask for your license and registration? Elaborate


2) Blue light you, while at the same time calling in your plate number to find out who you are, if its a stolen vehicle, etc.? Elaborate

Now let's go back to option #1. When you hand an officer your license and they walk back to their patrol vehicle, what exactly do they check for (possible warrants, revoked license, previous record, etc.)? Elaborate. Also, what do they do with your registration?

Sorry for all the questions :( I'm a curious man.
Q: When you hand an officer your license and they walk back to their patrol vehicle, what exactly do they check for (possible warrants, revoked license, previous record, etc.)? Elaborate. Also, what do they do with your registration?

A: Yes; they check for all of that to make sure you are not a wanted person or driving a stolen car.


Junior Member
seniorjudge said:
Q: When you hand an officer your license and they walk back to their patrol vehicle, what exactly do they check for (possible warrants, revoked license, previous record, etc.)? Elaborate. Also, what do they do with your registration?

A: Yes; they check for all of that to make sure you are not a wanted person or driving a stolen car.
Thank you.

And thanks to you also The Occultist, I've noticed that happen to me a few times too.

Another question, if either of you know the answer. When you are pulled over for whatever reason (speeding, brake light out, possible road rage, etc), do they have the right to search your vehicle (assuming there is nothing iillegal in plain sight inside the car, nor the smell of marijuana or any other drug coming out your window)? I've had this happen to me once.

Here's the situation. This woman was in a hurry I suppose, and I was driving the speed limit. Anyway, she rides my ass, her bumber was so close to my bumper that I couldnt even see her headlights in my rearview mirror, which really pisses me off when people do that. Anyways, so she merges into the other lane (it was a two lane road, two parallel lines seperating the lanes, meaning you cant pass, obviously), but she merges into the lane anyway to speed up and pass me. Well, I was extremely pissed from this, so as she was in the other lane high tailing it trying to pass me, I high tailed it also so she couldnt pass me (just to get back at her for riding my ass, immature I know), this went on for maybe 10 minutes. So out of rage, she calls the police, and three patrol cars pull me over, make me get out, ask me a few questions, etc. And then one officer asks, "May we search your vehicle?", and I said, "No, sir"... so he replies, "well, we're going to anyway", and they did, searched it in and out. Is that legal? By the way, there was nothing illegal inside, nor was I under the influence of anything. So, legal, or illegal?
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Senior Member
smedlock86 said:
Thank you.

And thanks to you also The Occultist, I've noticed that happen to me a few times too.

Another question, if either of you know the answer. When you are pulled over for whatever reason (speeding, brake light out, possible road rage, etc), do they have the right to search your vehicle (assuming there is nothing iillegal in plain sight inside the car, nor the smell of marijuana or any other drug coming out your window)? I've had this happen to me once.

Here's the situation. This woman was in a hurry I suppose, and I was driving the speed limit. Anyway, she rides my ass, her bumber was so close to my bumper that I couldnt even see her headlights in my rearview mirror, which really pisses me off when people do that. Anyways, so she merges into the other lane (it was a two lane road, two parallel lines seperating the lanes, meaning you cant pass, obviously), but she merges into the lane anyway to speed up and pass me. Well, I was extremely pissed from this, so as she was in the other line high tailing it trying to pass me, I high tailed it also so she couldnt pass me, this went on for maybe 10 minutes. So out of rage, she calls the police, and three patrol cars pull me over, make me get out, ask me a few questions, etc. And then one officer asks, "May we search your vehicle?", and I said, "No, sir"... so he replies, "well, we're going to anyway", and they did, searched it in and out. Is that legal? By the way, there was nothing illegal inside, nor was I under the influence of anything. So, legal, or illegal?

Based solely on the information as you present it, the search is a good search incident to arrest. The cops had a right to search your car due to your erratic behavior. They were doing it to protect themselves and other motorists.

That is beside the point, however, and entirely moot. Since they found nothing, there was no seizure (even if the search was illegal) and thus the incident does not come under the fourth amendment.


Junior Member
seniorjudge said:
Based solely on the information as you present it, the search is a good search incident to arrest. The cops had a right to search your car due to your erratic behavior. They were doing it to protect themselves and other motorists.

That is beside the point, however, and entirely moot. Since they found nothing, there was no seizure (even if the search was illegal) and thus the incident does not come under the fourth amendment.
I appreciate your insight. As I look back on the situation, I realise it does make sense they had a right to search my vehicle.


Senior Member
smedlock86 said:
I appreciate your insight. As I look back on the situation, I realise it does make sense they had a right to search my vehicle.
Thank you for not barking at me for giving a correct and accurate response!


Junior Member
seniorjudge said:
Thank you for not barking at me for giving a correct and accurate response!
So, another question. As far as state troopers are concerned, do they have a monthly quota to meet when it comes to issuing speeding tickets? Or is it something else?


smedlock86 said:
So, another question. As far as state troopers are concerned, do they have a monthly quota to meet when it comes to issuing speeding tickets? Or is it something else?
Even if they do, you have no way of prooving or using it for your defense. So, if you got a ticket, I suggest to start looking for real defense strategies.


Senior Member
smedlock86 said:
So, another question. As far as state troopers are concerned, do they have a monthly quota to meet when it comes to issuing speeding tickets? Or is it something else?
There is no quota.

BUT, if there were, that would not mean you were innocent.


Junior Member
seniorjudge said:
There is no quota.

BUT, if there were, that would not mean you were innocent.
I am in no way implying I am innocent when I speed. Every time I have been pulled by a trooper for speeding, I was guilty, not only because the officer said so, but because I said so, and I willfully pled guilty in court and accepted the consequences. I was simply curious if they had a quota to meet, that's all.


Junior Member
sukharev said:
Even if they do, you have no way of prooving or using it for your defense. So, if you got a ticket, I suggest to start looking for real defense strategies.
I'm not looking for defense strategies. The question popped in my head, and I was curious to seek an answer. No need for the attitude.


Senior Member
I don't know about NC, but in most states there is a statutory prohibition to establishing and enforcing quotas on citations.

As for the procedure of running plates and lighting up cars, this can vary by agency and by officer. There is no ONE way to do this. I put out the plate and the location as I stop a vehicle, and my Dispatch comes back with the basics of that information quickly. THEN I run the driver for license status, warrants, and probation/parole status when I get back to the car after contacting the driver. If I know the driver I might run him or the plates before the stop, but this is not the most common situation.

- Carl


smedlock86 said:
I'm not looking for defense strategies. The question popped in my head, and I was curious to seek an answer. No need for the attitude.
Attitude? Well then, go satisfy your curiosity by watching Cops TV series and more power to you :D

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