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Recent content by mobbdeep

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  1. M

    Injury at night club

    We ended up filing a lawsuit because while their insurance adjuster said we can expect an updated offer since they received the affidavit from a witness, they are waiting from an authority to approve the next offer which is said to be tomorrow and because of that, my attorney wanted to preserve...
  2. M

    Help with disability and tenants rights to get off out of my lease

    That's what it seems like it'll have to be. I just got off the phone with my landlord after talking in circles for an hour and he's persistent as to not replacing her and only giving us those 3 options. It sucks because he's in his rights to deny a replacement, but his offer doesn't help much if...
  3. M

    Help with disability and tenants rights to get off out of my lease

    Yes, single lease with both of us. This all started when she offered to be replaced. I did. Now the landlord turned that down but gave us alternatives. Great. I've exhausted all options with her for us to both get out at the same time, penalty free like he offered, and she's refusing because she...
  4. M

    Injury at night club

    I don't think we will be filling so I believe we just have to sign and agree before then.
  5. M

    Help with disability and tenants rights to get off out of my lease

    I'm not sure. How would I figure out if I am. We both signed the lease so I assumed it's either of our responsibility if anything happened. Also, I am looking elsewhere. I don't care at this point what happens after October 31st. I am not wanting any part of the current lease at this point and...
  6. M

    Injury at night club

    The incident occurred at 1:30am on May 22nd. We are still close on time, but he said he's aware of the time constraint.
  7. M

    Help with disability and tenants rights to get off out of my lease

    State: Texas Yes, another thread in regards to tenant rights but this time it's for myself, not a friend. I apologize in advance for the extensive post but I want to make sure I don't miss any details. My current roommate can't afford her part of rent due to getting into spiraling debt. We...
  8. M

    Injury at night club

    Correct. When I get the breakdown as he mentioned he would have for me once filed, I will go through it with a fine-tooth comb. No lawsuit was filed and if we decide to do one, then yes, the fee would go to 40% instead of 35%. At this time, it's 35% plus whatever additional filing feels he...
  9. M

    Friend is looking to break his lease early to live with ill grandfather

    Thank you for all of the responses. After making a last attempt for him to speak to the leasing office due to his uncle now in ICU with zero prognosis or chance of survival, there was still no budge. At the end of the day, it's his duty to follow the lease and them abide by the terms. Based on...
  10. M

    Injury at night club

    @quincy @zddoodah @adjusterjack I took down the link when I was advised it's out of scope to analyze a legal agreement. I am open to sharing the link again in private messages though as I redacted out the PII. However, after bringing it up to him in an email, this is what he said: "Our...
  11. M

    Injury at night club

    Thank you for this information. I will contact him tomorrow to ask for an in-depth breakdown of what fees outside of the 35% reward. And yes, I'm definitely glad that there was an offer considering how difficult this case could be in court.
  12. M

    Friend is looking to break his lease early to live with ill grandfather

    State: Texas Apologies if this is the wrong subsection to post. My friend has been put into a situation where he might end up having to be the primary caregiver for his grandfather who is ill which happens to be in a city about 2 hours away from where he currently lives. Unfortunately, he just...
  13. M

    Injury at night club

    Well, following up here as May 22nd will be the 2 year mark (statute of limitation) and we've made positive progress. My lawyer received an offer from them today in which he's going to go back and negotiate. The offer was their first offer which was only the cost of my medical expenses before...
  14. M

    Robbed at gunpoint and pistol whipped at work on the clock

    Thank you for that information. Some of those symptoms are what I've experienced during these 4-5 day periods. These last 2-3 days, I've been feeling a lot better. Been staying busy throughout the day to keep my mind busy. The only thing that kind of bothers me a little bit is that the top of my...

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