OP you lost out in court because you were in contempt and because of that contempt, that is all the court had to deal with. Your voice is lost because your in default of the court, they do not have to listen to your show cause against your ex. Your contempt was for something your court takes seriously(as they should), you were ordered into therapy, you did not go(they don't care about your excuses), you lost your voice in court because of this.
I've seen this happen numerous times in several different Mi courts before many different Judges. A party files a show cause, the other party is found in contempt and that is it, no chance to argue against it and those cases were all for something not as serious as not going to court ordered therapy. If as you claim the therapy part was never mentioned and just appeared in your order that was mailed, you failed to do anything at the time about it. You still had a couple options, one would be to file to have the Judge reconsider that portion that just appeared in the order, you could have also gotten transcripts of the hearings to that point. Those transcripts would either prove it should not have been in the order, or proved to you that yes it was ordered, you just somehow missed that. You could have also appealed that order and had a higher court review all that had gone on.
You did nothing and then you just ignored that portion of the order, that is contempt. To bad as they slapped you hard for that contempt and you lost your parenting time for now. Your only chance now is to get your butt back into therapy, get a lawyer and file down the road after you have been going on a regular basis to therapy for your parenting time back. You gave your ex the ammo to fry you in court and the blame is on you and only you.