Thanks for the reassurances.
I have some light in where this is going, as I just heard back from the company guy, who said that they're looking for the original seller but also any buyers who might turn into a future seller since this is a pdf. Buyers will be mostly just witnesses and he told me he doesn't think I'll need for a lawyer because the ebay description didn't say he was selling pdf versions of hte books (however, I believe the seller did tell all the buyers through email before officially giving out the download links that it was the pdf...). Although this is a small company, which is why I agree that they might not go out for multiple suits, but they also said they severely got ripped off because of this guy.
So all in all, his message was that their goal is to see who's the criminal and who got innocently sucked into this case... and said that it boils down to the feedback left for the seller.... meaning... a negative comment about how this was negative will mean they got innocently sucked up. If not, "they plan to take action." I'm worried now because I did leave a positive rating for this guy saying that he was "great, very helpful" (b/c from my point of view, he answered my questions before purchase and that to me seemed helpful... and i was just htinking, well, if it's pdf, i can just study in front of the computer screen. im fine because i personally paid my dues for what the seller said was the worth of the item). NOW should i be thinking of a lawyer? I dont know if what I just said will defend myself enough...
I have some light in where this is going, as I just heard back from the company guy, who said that they're looking for the original seller but also any buyers who might turn into a future seller since this is a pdf. Buyers will be mostly just witnesses and he told me he doesn't think I'll need for a lawyer because the ebay description didn't say he was selling pdf versions of hte books (however, I believe the seller did tell all the buyers through email before officially giving out the download links that it was the pdf...). Although this is a small company, which is why I agree that they might not go out for multiple suits, but they also said they severely got ripped off because of this guy.
So all in all, his message was that their goal is to see who's the criminal and who got innocently sucked into this case... and said that it boils down to the feedback left for the seller.... meaning... a negative comment about how this was negative will mean they got innocently sucked up. If not, "they plan to take action." I'm worried now because I did leave a positive rating for this guy saying that he was "great, very helpful" (b/c from my point of view, he answered my questions before purchase and that to me seemed helpful... and i was just htinking, well, if it's pdf, i can just study in front of the computer screen. im fine because i personally paid my dues for what the seller said was the worth of the item). NOW should i be thinking of a lawyer? I dont know if what I just said will defend myself enough...