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You are truly amazing!!!! And I do not mean that as a compliment. Where have I contradicted myself??? You are now resorting to lies, which is so pathetic. Anyone who reads this entire thread will be able to see that you are an idiot and after going back and looking at some of the other replies to your posts in other threads, I am not the first to tell you so. Because of this I believe that something is wrong with you. I hope I never end up in an ER where you work as well because I am worried about the quality of medical staff that they hire. Hopefully, you are the only one on staff, if you are really a nurse, that is this stupid. As a nurse, you know that you are not qualified to give a medical diagnosis but yet you still do so in this forum. You give legal advice with no training to do so as well. And as if that is not bad enough, with the information in my initial post describing a surgeon that has serious issues with ethics, legalities and possibly with competence as well, you tell me to go back to him???? You are obviously crazy as well as stupid.

Just for the record, I have never arrived in any ER screaming that my parents are doctors. I informed the doctor of that fact, the next morning after I was admitted, when he broke the law and behaved unethically by questioning my lack of insurance and trying to set up payment arrangements when I was an accute care patient. Which is what I stated in my intial post, but once again you were unable to comprehend what you read. By sharing that bit of information with him, he realized that he was dealing with someone who was aware that what he was doing was wrong.
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So now you are resorting to erasing my posts when I point out that you are lying??? Again, where have I contradicted myself??? Your posts offer no valuable information you are unable to comprehend what is written by other posters. After reviewing your other posts, this is not the first time that you have been told this. As I said before, I hope I never end up in an ER where you work either, because they obviously hire unqualified medical staff.

For the record again, I have never gone into an ER screaming that my parents were doctors. And if you ready my initial post, you will see that only after the surgeon exhibited unethical behaviour and asked illegal questions, did I inform him of such for the purpose of letting him know that he was not dealing with someone who was unaware that his actions were wrong.

And as I said in the post that you erased, athough it is none of your business, my medical bills are paid!!! Anyone who reads this entire thread can see that you are not making any sense.

I suppose that you are one of those people who just likes to have something to say and always has to have the last word, even if you have to erase a post to do so. Pathetic!!!!


Senior Member
What is the name of your state? Georgia

Last year I had emergency surgery due to my gallbladder. I was brought in by ambulance and was told that I would have surgery the next morning. Unfortunately, I did not have insurance, because my husband had just switched jobs. Before examining me, the doctor came in a stated that he was told that I did not have insurance and wondered how I was going to pay my bill. Both of my parents are doctors as well as my brother so I was shocked at his unethical behaviour. I asked him he would take a payment plan and to which he asked over how many months. I told him that I could probably pay him at least $50 dollars a month and he told me that was not enough. At that point, I was disgusted and told him that because of my family background I was aware that as a acute patient he was unethical and breaking the law by discussing payment with me. He then left the room.
So... he never examined you? From the sounds of the quote above, it seems like he came in, asked about your finances, you got snarky with him, and he left. Kind of odd...

Also, and forgive me my lack of knowledge of hospital procedure, but how often is 'emergency surgery' performed the next day? I know that when I had my gall bladder out, I went into the ER at 8am, and was on the operating table by 11am, and home by 9pm. THAT seems like emergency outpatient surgery to me.

If you're not receiving life-saving care, doesn't a hospital have every right to assess your ability to pay, and transfer you elsewhere if you're unable to meet your financial obligations? I think that's what the sign says in every hospital I've ever been in. But I don't blame the surgeon for not wanting to accept "I think I could pay $50/month." My gall bladder surgery (also w/out insurance) cost over $40,000. That's a LOT of months.


The term "emergency" can also be "urgent' or "non-elective" surgery. It may not always be defined by a time frame.

The federal law that ensures treatment for persons who are without insurance is Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA).
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So... he never examined you? From the sounds of the quote above, it seems like he came in, asked about your finances, you got snarky with him, and he left. Kind of odd...

Also, and forgive me my lack of knowledge of hospital procedure, but how often is 'emergency surgery' performed the next day? I know that when I had my gall bladder out, I went into the ER at 8am, and was on the operating table by 11am, and home by 9pm. THAT seems like emergency outpatient surgery to me.

If you're not receiving life-saving care, doesn't a hospital have every right to assess your ability to pay, and transfer you elsewhere if you're unable to meet your financial obligations? I think that's what the sign says in every hospital I've ever been in. But I don't blame the surgeon for not wanting to accept "I think I could pay $50/month." My gall bladder surgery (also w/out insurance) cost over $40,000. That's a LOT of months.
be careful there, you have brought up valid points and pointed out her story doesnt sound right, she will be slamming you next


So... he never examined you? From the sounds of the quote above, it seems like he came in, asked about your finances, you got snarky with him, and he left. Kind of odd...

Also, and forgive me my lack of knowledge of hospital procedure, but how often is 'emergency surgery' performed the next day? I know that when I had my gall bladder out, I went into the ER at 8am, and was on the operating table by 11am, and home by 9pm. THAT seems like emergency outpatient surgery to me.

If you're not receiving life-saving care, doesn't a hospital have every right to assess your ability to pay, and transfer you elsewhere if you're unable to meet your financial obligations? I think that's what the sign says in every hospital I've ever been in. But I don't blame the surgeon for not wanting to accept "I think I could pay $50/month." My gall bladder surgery (also w/out insurance) cost over $40,000. That's a LOT of months.
To answer your question, no he did not examine me. In my opinion he was very unprofessional which is why I filed a complaint immediately. I went the ER by ambulance because I had a gallbladder attack late in the evening and was told that I had to have surgery the next day. The surgeon did not examine me because he consulted with the radiologist and ER Doc who examined the the scan of my gallbladder showing an obstruction that required surgery. I do not have anything to do with why it was done in the afternoon, perhaps because he had other surgeries scheduled, I don't know. My situation was not outpatient like yours.

My surgery was approximately $25,000 which included the surgeon, anesthesiologist, medications, hospital room, OR etc. These fees are billed seperately. His fee for doing the surgery was about $2200 so I do not think that $50 per month is unacceptable. He did not ask how I was paying for all of the services, just his own.


be careful there, you have brought up valid points and pointed out her story doesnt sound right, she will be slamming you next

Once again you are being untruthful. You have never brought up valid points throughout this entire thread. You were "slammed" as you call it because you made statements that were incorrect and useless. I have no reason to "slam" CJane for the questions that he asked. They are understandable since he has had the same procedure, though under different circumstances. You on the otherhand are dishonest and do not know what you are talking about.
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The term "emergency" can also be "urgent' or "non-elective" surgery. It may not always be defined by a time frame.

The federal law that ensures treatment for persons who are without insurance is Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA).
Thank you Dedlock. When I initally posted, I just wanted to get information on the viability of a lawsuit. It has been frustrating to deal with a certain individual who does not have the medical knowledge to make statements nor the legal expertise to answer my question.
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