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Under the Radar Member
Am embarrassed now Clerk Court person o.k.
As for backing up my statement...go to AARP site for Grandparent/Relative caretakers and find the state specific fact sheets for each state as it varies. I was wrong in what I read...71% are undre the age of 60...However the number is growing rapidly, sad but true. 42% of the parents not raising their own children are white vs. the hispanic, indian, african american, asian and each is broken out etc...
Blah blah blah. AARP is hardly an impartial group performing legitimate research. As for your percentages - how does that break down when you look at the actual demographics in the US? 42 percent of children eraised by GP's are white - what actual percentage of white families in the US does that constitute? I'd bet that when you look at the real numbers, the picture painted is quite different.


Senior Member
Hannah spends a few minutes on the AARP website... (hardly impartial) and I spend at a minimum 40 hours in a Family Law Courtroom. You're right Hannah, you know much more than I do. OG went to law school... but the AARP is your guide. Hope they don't swing their opinion in the other direction depending on their funding... you'll be lost then. I read the Family Code... it rarely changes significantly.

And as for the appearance of hi-jacking... it does not appear that you are hi-jacking, you actually are.



Stealth...I am a grand mother, not a court and certainly not an attorney, I just read a lot...however would like to research the stats from a better source than the AARP...got any to back this up? Really...what do you have to share of a better place to look this up?

How about the C.S.E.A.? Child support enforcement agency. I had a real nice chat with our case worker there. I was concerned that he too may feel predjudicially against grandparents raising grandkids and further could be the possible factor as to why they have not enforced the order in 1.6 yrs. since it originally began. He assured me that was not the case...in fact stated to me that over 1/2 of his collections are for the grand parents lately.
What I want to know is what did us baby boomers do to our kids to cause these increasing stats regardless of what they are? Broken homes, viet nam, what? :confused:


Senior Member
No one here knows what you did or did not do in raising your child to make him/her a responsible human being, so if you have a legal question, please start your own thread and ask it. If you need a support group, please go find one... we don't have one here.


Under the Radar Member
Stealth...I am a grand mother, not a court and certainly not an attorney, I just read a lot...however would like to research the stats from a better source than the AARP...got any to back this up? Really...what do you have to share of a better place to look this up?

How about the C.S.E.A.? Child support enforcement agency. I had a real nice chat with our case worker there. I was concerned that he too may feel predjudicially against grandparents raising grandkids and further could be the possible factor as to why they have not enforced the order in 1.6 yrs. since it originally began. He assured me that was not the case...in fact stated to me that over 1/2 of his collections are for the grand parents lately.
What I want to know is what did us baby boomers do to our kids to cause these increasing stats regardless of what they are? Broken homes, viet nam, what? :confused:
Darlin' - YOU are the one who claimed that 70% of grandparents are raising their grandchildren, not I. Nor do the statements of one caseworker constitute fact. Maybe he gets all the hard cases. Maybe all the easy ones. Maybe all the ones that are pointless in trying to collect. That doesn't make it a statistical reality across the board.

For example, I could tell you that "100% of parents attend band concerts." In my little circle of parents, that would be true. However, if you look at all parents in our town, or our state, or our country - that would be false. If *I* state it, I should be able to prove it. Just as you should be able to prove your claim that 70% of grandparents are raising their grandchildren.


Just to settle the question:

According to the United States Census Bureau the total number of grandparents living in the same household with their minor grandchildren is roughly [highlight]sixty[/highlight] million, or 20% of the total US population of roughly three hundred million.

Of course, out of that 20%, many of them simply live with their children and are not actually raising their grandchildren. I didn't look for any other statistics because I don't care that much and I have to pee, but if half of the grandparents who live with their grandchildren are, in fact, raising them (and I use "half" as a compromise) then the percentage of US grandparents who are raising their grandchildren is 10%. I suspect it's less than 10%.

Six million is hardly 20% of 300 million.
Sorry, poor editing. I had a line in there where I was guessing at a particular demographic and deleted the wrong thing. Fixed.
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Senior Member
Most &#8220;bad&#8221; stats are based on misreading a real fact and then passing it on to others as a fact.

70% could have originated from something more plausible such as;

70% of children NOT being raised by their parents are being raised by their grandparents.

That factoid is pulled from my arse.

Need that sticky so we can all stop posting drivel as a bump


Senior Member
Just to settle the question:

According to the United States Census Bureau the total number of grandparents living in the same household with their minor grandchildren is roughly six million, or 20% of the total US population of roughly three hundred million.
You might want to reread what you wrote. It doesn't make any sense. Six million is hardly 20% of 300 million.


Queen Bee
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