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my ex is hiding and brainwashing my daughter

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Queen Bee
I have recorded all of our conversations. ALL of them. In those conversations, there are slips that have almost lead me to where she is,
Those conversations may not be at all legal that you have recorded. Nor may they be admissible. You might have committed a felony.

also in those conversations, he has stated that I will never see her again unless a judge tells him he has to let me see her.
Okay. Not nice but he can say that.

Also, he says he is confident, because his money grubbing lawyer has told him so, that as she will have been solely in his custody for so long, the judge will give him domicilary custody. My lawyer has said that that is highly unlikely unless we get a judge that was bitter towards women and all for the father.

Depends. Your daughter is 11 now? Is there going to be a guardian ad litem appointed? Have you filed anything? And if you know that his lawyer is MONEY GRUBBING then you know how to contact him. And you also know how to get him served with an emergency order granting you custody as well as what state he is in. You also have access to a variety of other information that your attorney could have obtained. So your story has MANY holes in it.

According to my daughter and my ex, he is allowing my daughter to work at a daycare in another town and she is living with one of the daycare workers while she is working there.
Really? You know she is working? or is she babysitting? Or is she just IN DAYCARE?

She is working from 7:30 in the morning until 6:00 in the evening. It is not legal for a child of 12 years of age to work in the state of La. so I reported it to child welfare with his name and address but all they did was tell him she couldn't work there anymore.
WAIT A MINUTE! You stated you didn't know where he was but you have his name and address. So you do know where your daughter is if she is with him.

I also reported it to the labor board but have heard nothing back from that.

What proof do you have that she was working at a job or doing anything other than babysitting?

I feel like my concerns are going to be looked at as trival because child welfare did nothing but make her quit. I really don't want to look bad in front of the judge.
You are not making any sense.

P.S. in those recorded conversations, he told me that he has her somewhere that I won't be able to find her. That would be proof enough for my lawyer to present to the judge. Correct?

Nope. Because of a variety of things. CHild welfare knows where she is. They know where the daycare is. You apparently know where the daycare is. you have his address. You have done nothing to get custody. So your story makes no sense.


Queen Bee
Yes the conversations were mostly on cell phones but my lawyer says they are admisable as evidence but I realize it is up to the judge to listen to them or not.

Is there a chance that the judge will give him domicilary custody of her since she has now been with him solely for so long?
Yep. And there is a chance that the calls will NOT be admissible especially if they were on a cell phone due to FCC laws and regulations. They MIGHT be but are not guaranteed to be admitted. And somehow you have gone from NOT knowing where your daughter is to knowing where she was working and the hours and yet you didn't go pick her up?


Queen Bee
I have the proof, As I stated earlier, I did contact Child Services and they investigated, and told her father that she could no longer work there.
Again, you said that dad was HIDING the child and yet you know where the child was "working", that she was earning a wage and she is living with one of the day care workers. The child is not really all that hidden now is she? Especially when child welfare found her quite easily. You are lying.


Queen Bee
My lawyer thought the best way to handle the situation would be to make dad aware of the state laws before taking it to court. Dad did refrain from the illegal activity when notified with the exception of allowing her to work. He did not stop that until I brought in child welfare. There is no Court order regarding this child. That is what I have filed for.

Not you imparticularly Isabella, but I feel I need to say, some people seem to disregard that a child has been left in numberous situations where she could have been injured or her life threatened. That is why the laws for children are created. To protect children who are not of mind to know what to do in certain situations. When you disregard those laws, that is neglect and is considered a form of child abuse. I don't think the courts will look as lightly on it as has been portrayed here. A pattern of poor dicission making has to start somewhere and I really doubt the judge is going to care when that was, only that it has continued. But, I could be wrong. I am no expert and fly mainly by common sense and what I read in books, like books on state law.
Sorry but you have NOT been truthful here. You have been making excuses and exaggerations all through your posts. That casts doubt on every other word you have said.
I think you are confused OhioGal. Your responses look time consuming and I am sorry that you wasted that much time on an unintelligable post. Your rantings only show that you came in to this in the middle and didn't take the time to read the entire post. Please feel free to get back to me when you have.


Queen Bee
I think you are confused OhioGal. Your responses look time consuming and I am sorry that you wasted that much time on an unintelligable post. Your rantings only show that you came in to this in the middle and didn't take the time to read the entire post. Please feel free to get back to me when you have.
Did you see the TITLE of your thread: My ex is hiding and brainwashing my daughter.

Well you wrote that. In reality your ex is NOT hiding your daughter because of the following facts you later state:
That you called children services and they talked to her and him;
you have his address;
you know when she is in daycare (the hours even);
children's services found the child and him;
you know she is supposedly living with one of the daycare workers.

All of that equates to the fact that he is NOT hiding your daughter. YOU know how to find her if you really wanted to.
As for the recording of conversations -- if you don't know where your child is (ergo he is HIDING her) you cannot vouch for the legality of the phone call recordings because you don't know if they were made from/to a one party or two party state. You would need to prove the legality of such recordings. Which you cannot do by virtue of the fact that you have stated IN THE TITLE OF YOUR THREAD, that your ex is hiding the child. If the child is hidden then you do not know WHERE the child is. Hence you have no clue if the phone conversation recordings are legal or if you attempt to use them that you would be admitting to committing a felony.

Now if you do know all that information above, then your ex is NOT hiding your child. Rather you are just not taking the legal steps necessary to retrieve your child and solve this issue.
You also have NO PROOF that your daughter is being brainwashed if your ex is hiding your child. You can't possibly know what your ex is telling her if your daughter is hidden. Hence, your daughter not wanting to come back to you nor wanting to talk to you could be based on many other factors.
Hence you are either lying or exaggerating which means that your posts have NO credibility and you cannot be believed. And yes I read the thread. Now if you would like to post the FACTS and not a bunch of exaggerated hysterical stuff, please do. Until then you have a lot of issues.
then it's not meant for you...
As I started this thread and your statement is not meant for me, then perhaps you should take it to another thread where it is meant to be or send your comment to the person you meant it for a PM.

You know what? I really do not need your help with this or any issue. You have been nothing but rude and uncivil. Please do not post to this thread, or any other thread I start, anymore as you obviously have no intention of being helpful in even the smallest way.


Senior Member
As I started this thread and your statement is not meant for me, then perhaps you should take it to another thread where it is meant to be or send your comment to the person you meant it for a PM.

You know what? I really do not need your help with this or any issue. You have been nothing but rude and uncivil. Please do not post to this thread, or any other thread I start, anymore as you obviously have no intention of being helpful in even the smallest way.
Send a comment via PM? Oh, so now you're taking someone else's advice given to you. Very good.

How much did you pay for ownership of this thread? Nothing? Oh, I thought not. Ok.. well, since what I did post was meant for someone posting in this thread, and since this is a free country and I can post anywhere I darn well please... I'll continue posting in this and any other thread I feel like I want to. The help you need, I cannot give, since I am unable to legally write prescriptions.
Did you see the TITLE of your thread: My ex is hiding and brainwashing my daughter.

Well you wrote that. In reality your ex is NOT hiding your daughter because of the following facts you later state:
That you called children services and they talked to her and him;
you have his address;
you know when she is in daycare (the hours even);
children's services found the child and him;
you know she is supposedly living with one of the daycare workers.
I never said I did not know where dad was. I said I didn't know where he was keeping my daughter as it was not with him. Genius.

He allows me to talk to her on the phone about once a week
And nothing can be learned in a phone conversation. Right!!!

According to my daughter and my ex, he is allowing my daughter to work at a daycare in another town and she is living with one of the daycare workers while she is working there. She is working from 7:30 in the morning until 6:00 in the evening.
I never said they told me which town or school. Try and keep up.

Calling child welfare and letting them know what was going on, they asked for his address and phone number. I gave it. They contacted him. He admitted to child welfare to allowing her to work and where she was working.

You also have NO PROOF that your daughter is being brainwashed if your ex is hiding your child. You can't possibly know what your ex is telling her if your daughter is hidden. Hence, your daughter not wanting to come back to you nor wanting to talk to you could be based on many other factors.
Hence you are either lying or exaggerating which means that your posts have NO credibility and you cannot be believed. And yes I read the thread. Now if you would like to post the FACTS and not a bunch of exaggerated hysterical stuff, please do. Until then you have a lot of issues.
As stated earlier, PHONE CONVERSATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Genius!

And apparently you missed some posts.

Please try to be helpful not accusatory.
Send a comment via PM? Oh, so now you're taking someone else's advice given to you. Very good.

How much did you pay for ownership of this thread? Nothing? Oh, I thought not. Ok.. well, since what I did post was meant for someone posting in this thread, and since this is a free country and I can post anywhere I darn well please... I'll continue posting in this and any other thread I feel like I want to. The help you need, I cannot give, since I am unable to legally write prescriptions.
Did I mention earlier today that you are heinous? If not, I meant to. You appear to be one of those rare people who enjoy the fight. You missed your calling, your love of arguing should have lead you to be a lawyer.

Go find someone else to bother or get a life.
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Queen Bee
I never said I did not know where dad was. I said I didn't know where he was keeping my daughter as it was not with him. Genius.

And nothing can be learned in a phone conversation. Right!!!

Acutally lots can be learned but again your child is NOT being hidden. LIAR.

I never said they told me which town or school. Try and keep up.
You stated that you had his address. Why don't you try to be honest and tell the truth.

Calling child welfare and letting them know what was going on, they asked for his address and phone number. I gave it. They contacted him. He admitted to child welfare to allowing her to work and where she was working.
Then you have access to that information. Got it?

As stated earlier, PHONE CONVERSATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Genius!
Actually i am a genius according to my IQ. Where does your IQ place you? Mine is documented at MENSA level. So good guess on your point. But again, your child is NOT being hidden from you when you know what hours she was working and everything else. So why haven't you taken the legal steps to get her? OH you just want to gripe about dad.

And apparently you missed some posts.
Nope. I read them. YOu apparently missed some truth and honesty. Not my problem. YOu are proving with every post that you are nothing more than an ubercontrolling hysterical mother who wants to blame dad for everything when you have no proof. If you have dad's address you can retrieve your daughter. Not that difficult. Really.
Please try to be helpful not accusatory.
You are the one being accusatory -- you are accusing dad of hiding your daughter -- which is unfounded and untruthful.
You are accusing dad of brainwashing your daughter -- something else which is not supported by fact or evidence.
So I am being helpful -- you are the one being accusatory.
But let me say again what your posts showing. YOU ARE LYING. You are posting exaggerated statements in hopes of getting sympathy and testing how they play in court. You are posting half truths and hysterical rants. You are not doing what you can do within the law to establish your rights to parent your child.

But based on your posts that is not what you want to do -- you want an excuse to take the child from her father and cut him out of her life and minimize him.
I would love to talk to the person responsible for kicking people off. As a mater of fact, I have been looking for a way to do so. You and CC have done nothing helpful what so ever and seem to have made me you personal project to bother.
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