Junior Member
At 1pm, I recently was pulled over because of a few cracks on the driverside door window. Is that reason to pull over my car? He said,"If not for the cracked window, I would not have pulled you over." After passing all the field sobriety test, except the eye stigmatism test. He ordered for a portable breath test. I took the test and received a .102. He took me to the station and adminstered the actual breathalyzer. First try was a .097 and the second was a .102. Between the two, I received the lower bac and charged with an ovi. I was released and one of the cops was my neighbor and offered me a ride home when he got off. After waiting a few minutes, the arresting officer told me I had to come back in. Because it is my 4th ovi, I had to wait until I seen a judge the next morning. My next question was, "I want a blood test, how can I do that in here?" Officer,"You can do it when you get out." Me,"I'm here til tomorrow where a blood test is irrelevant." Officer says,"Well, I dont know." So, he booked me and I was released on bond the next day. Was I denied a blood test? I felt I made a grand gesture that I wanted one and he denied me???? Any advice?