I was in the bathroom at school with 3 friends when one of them used hair spray and a lighter to create a torch. As soon as I saw this, I left the bathroom. I wqas laughing on the way out and my school called me down to the office the next morning to say that i am in trouble for being in the bathroom at the time, even though I did not see the fire. I am a 17 year old senior. I am suspended for 10 days and facing expulsion. I also have an IEP. Is this legal? I never once touched any materials or saw the fire.
How do you reconcile these two mutually exclusive statements? In one statement, you say you were there, saw the fire and left the bathroom. Then you say you never saw the fire. You can't have it both ways.
Your obvious lie in order to cover up your involvement is probably what got you in trouble. You already admit you were WITH the people who did it, but we only have YOUR word that you never touched any of the materials. I'd think you were lying, too.
The fact that you have an IEP makes absolutely NO difference here. You break the rules by being there when flammable materials are being utilized in a dangerous manner, then you should expect to get punished for it.
If you weren't involved, you need to make better choices for friends than people who do these stupid things and get you involved in it.