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How does this forum work exactly? Are there lawyers, students,etc. How do you get compensated? Do you always push people away from legal action?

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How does this forum work exactly? Are there lawyers, students,etc?

Is this considered like community service, extra credit points charity, etc.. for law students?

It seem like the underlying theme of this forum is to prevent people from taking legal actions in all cases. Typical responses to be that it will cost more in legal fees than you would recover or that if someone was too dishonest or poor to scan you in the first place, then they would not have the money to pay you even if you won.

I have not read any cases in which the response been " You have been wrong in this situation and have a good case to seek legal recourse for the allow...."

Please tell me if I'm wrong here?

So to recap, I would like to know.

1. Who are making the responses on here? Students, paralegals, etc..
2. How does your compensation works(extra credit, community service,)
3. Are the normal responses to steer people away from seeking legal recourse? For example do you have some kind of mandate or incentive to persuade people not to take legal actions?

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Senior Member, Non-Attorney
How does this forum work exactly? Are there lawyers, students,etc?

Is this considered like community service, extra credit points charity, etc.. for law students?

It seem like the underlying them of this forum is to prevent people from taking legal actions in all cases. Typical responses to be that it will cost more in legal fees than you would recover or that if someone was too dishonest or poor to scan you in the first place, then they would not have the money to pay you even if you won.

I have not read any cases in which the response been " You have been wrong in this situation and have a good case to seek legal recourse for the allow...."

Please tell me if I'm wrong here?

So to recap, I would like to know.

1. Who are making the responses on here? Students, paralegals, etc..
2. How does your compensation works(extra credit, community service,)
3. Are the normal responses to steer people away from seeking legal recourse? For example do you have some kind of mandate or incentive to persuade people not to take legal actions?

FreeAdvice.com has been providing millions of consumers with outstanding information and "advice" free since 1995 with thousands of professionally prepared and reviewed articles, questions and answers in more than 100 categories in the Question and Answer pages at FreeAdvice.com. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED ON THIS AND OTHER FORUM PAGES WERE NOT REVIEWED BY THE EDITORIAL STAFF OR ATTORNEYS AT FREEADVICE.COM and are provided AS IS. The FreeAdvice Forums are intended to enable consumers to benefit from the experience of other consumers who have faced similar legal issues. FreeAdvice does NOT vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any posting on the Forums or the identity or qualifications of any person asking questions or responding on the Forums. Use of the Forums is subject to our Disclaimer and our Terms and Conditions of use which prohibit advertisements, solicitations or other commercial messages, or false, defamatory, abusive, vulgar, or harassing messages, and subject violators to a fee for each improper posting. All postings reflect the views of the author but become the property of FreeAdvice. Information on FreeAdvice or a Forum is never a substitute for personal advice from an attorney licensed in your jurisdiction you have retained to represent you. To locate an attorney visit AttorneyPages.com. Copyright since 1995 by Advice Company. All Rights Reserved.

Just Blue

Senior Member
How does this forum work exactly? Are there lawyers, students,etc?

Is this considered like community service, extra credit points charity, etc.. for law students?

It seem like the underlying them of this forum is to prevent people from taking legal actions in all cases. Typical responses to be that it will cost more in legal fees than you would recover or that if someone was too dishonest or poor to scan you in the first place, then they would not have the money to pay you even if you won.

I have not read any cases in which the response been " You have been wrong in this situation and have a good case to seek legal recourse for the allow...."

Please tell me if I'm wrong here?

So to recap, I would like to know.

1. Who are making the responses on here? Students, paralegals, etc..
2. How does your compensation works(extra credit, community service,)
3. Are the normal responses to steer people away from seeking legal recourse? For example do you have some kind of mandate or incentive to persuade people not to take legal actions?

Did you have a question that wasn't answered by the volunteers here to your satisfaction?


Active Member
How does this forum work exactly? Are there lawyers, students, etc?

I have not read any cases in which the response been You have been wrong [sic] in this situation and have a good case etc.,. etc. . .
I think you meant to use the verb "wronged" and not the adjective "wrong"! An of excusable oversight on your part, of course. But perhaps a careless tendency explaining your inaccurate diagnosis.


Queen of the Not-Rights
Please tell me if I'm wrong here?
You're wrong. There are countless times a poster has been advised to seek legal counsel because they DO have a case. Would you rather we advise someone to waste time and money pursuing an action that has no legal basis? Or perhaps you want us to give someone false hope that they actually have legal recourse.

I'd link you to those posts where someone has been advised to seek counsel, but it's much, much more effective if you do it yourself.
FreeAdvice.com has been providing millions of consumers with outstanding information and "advice" free since 1995 with thousands of professionally prepared and reviewed articles, questions and answers in more than 100 categories in the Question and Answer pages at FreeAdvice.com. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED ON THIS AND OTHER FORUM PAGES WERE NOT REVIEWED BY THE EDITORIAL STAFF OR ATTORNEYS AT FREEADVICE.COM and are provided AS IS. The FreeAdvice Forums are intended to enable consumers to benefit from the experience of other consumers who have faced similar legal issues. FreeAdvice does NOT vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any posting on the Forums or the identity or qualifications of any person asking questions or responding on the Forums. Use of the Forums is subject to our Disclaimer and our Terms and Conditions of use which prohibit advertisements, solicitations or other commercial messages, or false, defamatory, abusive, vulgar, or harassing messages, and subject violators to a fee for each improper posting. All postings reflect the views of the author but become the property of FreeAdvice. Information on FreeAdvice or a Forum is never a substitute for personal advice from an attorney licensed in your jurisdiction you have retained to represent you. To locate an attorney visit AttorneyPages.com. Copyright since 1995 by Advice Company. All Rights Reserved.
So it said that you are not an attorney? Do you work in the legal profession? Are you a secretary at a law firm, a teacher's assistant, etc..
What are your qualifications if you don't mind my asking? Have you done DIY lawsuit representing yourself without an attorney?
People just shower me with cash and prizes for my Yoda like wisdom.

One fellow sent me a car. But it didn't have a title.

Another fellow found a long lost relative of mine in Nigeria who left me a million dollars.

The Nigeria thing is a 100% scam, I can promise you that. Everyone is like " oh, it would be great to give 3rd world countries access to the internet. Then BAM! Nigerian scammers, India fake IRS scams, etc.. Unintended consequences. There is a lot of people who have lot a money to these scams. Probably 99.999 % of them get away with it.

Is answering questions on this form like a form of punishment if you are bad in school? Sort of like detention or maybe the same as scrubbing toilets or cleaning dishes at a restaurant? Seriously, what motivates you to answer questions on this forum? Is it a job, a hobby, do you get some academic bonus out of it?

When I was in college, I volunteered to be an advisory in order to get first pick of whatever teacher I wanted before the class filled up. My college was filled with some great teachers and some very bad teachers. The bad teachers would have a chip on their shoulder and be looking for excuses to fail everyone and give students tons of works. The Good teachers make class enjoyable and interesting.
This was the motivation behind why I volunteered to help new student during orientation.

I am just wondering if this forum might be something along those lines for a law school?
They are serving Maine Lobster tomorrow ...grilled not steamed. Wicke:love:d good!
Does the site pay you? Is this a job? A Hobby? Do you get some kind of credit towards community service as a college application?

The site come up under " free legal advice" however as far as I can tell, not one here is even a lawyer. Help me understand how this site works.
Did you have a question that wasn't answered by the volunteers here to your satisfaction?
Well. Let me put it this way. As an experience, I have argued 2 positions in 180 degree opposite sides using the exact same facts on a situation on this forum and in both cases, I was told that I was completely wrong. So it seem like the theme is to persuade the OP that they are in the wrong. I read other forum post and it seem to be recurring theme.

If I posted real facts to a case already on in court and asked if I have a good case, I would most likely be told there is no reason to move forward.

How many post on this forum have a response of you have a solid case due to X, Y and Z and should move forward with this case while referencing case law in which people in the same situation have won in court? Are the post on here given serious consideration or is this forum is more of a social experiment?

There are other legal forums I have been to in which there are real lawyers and in the past they have offered real legal advice however they have recently gone though some changes and now the lawyers don't even read the question and there is almost a scripted answer of saying like " Its obvious you are over your head and you need to immediately hire a lawyer" answer to every question without even addressing the issue. In cases that the question falls in the wrong category, the might even

There was one business when I was asking about FOIA case law and it was incorrectly placed in an immigration forum and I received an answer like " Its obvious from reading your question that you have serious immigration issues and need to hire a lawyer immediately to avoid deportation" So that site seem to be a way for lawyers to drum up business without giving any legal advice.

I know some schools and even the bar associations will encourage or mandate certain volunteering or community service type of things. Lawyers volunteering in the ghetto for civil rights issues,etc.. I am just wondering if this site is an extension of that kind of thing. If so, I would imaging people would be asking if they can get rich quick for lawsuits due to the smallest thing.

For example, if someone took their parking space, Mcdonals got their order wrong or make the coffee too hot,etc.... Perhaps a lot of frivolous lawsuit for very silly things that have absolute zero merit. I would imaging in that situation someone might be predisposed to discourage any litigation regardless of merit as the starting position to almost any question. Hence why I would be considered wrong giving the exact situation arguing the facts on both sides.

If I was wrong in arguing one side of the story, logically I would be right arguing the opposite side of the same story however I was wrong in both situations for some reason?

So please tell the story about this forum and its motivations, objectives and if cases are seriously considered or if there is pressure to push people into not taking legal action?

So, did I get anything right or am I way off base in my analysis of the situation. Can you set the record straight?

Contributing members get free drinks and food at "FA On The Roof" and, on Wednesday night's, Litigator performs on sax.
So this "FA on the Roof" is like a college bar or hangout?

So you are a law student not an attorney? This is like a college project thing?

Don't misinterpretation my response, I do not mean it as an insult or anything. I am just trying to put things into perspective to better understand how this forum works.

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