In my riiginal post Nov. 1, 2018 I stated
"I have a lease for a garage where i run a auto repair business, its on the landlords agricultural land in unicorp Adams County. A recent customer decided he didn't want to pay after an engine replacement approx 4,800.00 total amount owed and he refused contact after notified the job was done he filed a lawsuit didn't serve me and he was awarded 12,000.00 default judgment."
After reading some reviews and comments posted by "customer" I decided to look back into my emails. And that's when i found that I mistakenly sent the customers work order to the landlord's attorney with some of the things i filed in court i also had to send to opposing counsel. and in an email 5/22/2018 i sent 5 attachments. 1 of them was the customers work order. I use use it to layout the details of the job, that work order has the customers contact info and the landlords attorney I alege sent it to the landlord, then landlord contacted customer informed him about the eviction and promised to get him his car back. I was holding his car for payment since 4/12/2018 that's when his car wars finished and ready to pickup. But I told him he had to pay in cash only so he couldn't charge back the payment again. he refused contact and charged back 1,500.00 deposit for engine sometime around 03/26/2018 i don't think he had the money to pay for it $3,200. How lucky she tells him there will be an eviction but didn't tell me until May