Commonwealth of Virginia.
Should Husband or Wife be named on "Certificate of Assumed or Fictitious Name for Individuals" form?
We have a few rental homes and have set up a DBA name. We don't want an LLC, but do have a good umbrella policy.
We are doing this as a married couple, but the Assumed or Fictitious Name for Individuals form (we are not a Business Entity) only allows us to use one of our names. Whose name would be the best to select? We work equally on this - wife doing showing, renting, tenant contact, managing the bureaucracy, buying paint, changing doorknobs and such; husband doing a lot of the repairs, etc., and dealing with handymen that we sometimes hire (in addition to having a day job).
The homes are in a Revocable Trust with both of us as Trustees.
Should Husband or Wife be named on "Certificate of Assumed or Fictitious Name for Individuals" form?
We have a few rental homes and have set up a DBA name. We don't want an LLC, but do have a good umbrella policy.
We are doing this as a married couple, but the Assumed or Fictitious Name for Individuals form (we are not a Business Entity) only allows us to use one of our names. Whose name would be the best to select? We work equally on this - wife doing showing, renting, tenant contact, managing the bureaucracy, buying paint, changing doorknobs and such; husband doing a lot of the repairs, etc., and dealing with handymen that we sometimes hire (in addition to having a day job).
The homes are in a Revocable Trust with both of us as Trustees.