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recording or filming for evidence what can be used in court?

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Senior Member, Non-Attorney
just pick one possibility and answer that
Ok, I'll play. Possibility 5,732: You start recording and then realize that the power source of the device you are using to record has become immersed in water. Unfortunately, it shocks you and causes a short period of amnesia. You are released from the hospital to the care of your "spouse" who happens to be a contractor whom you have ticked off. This contractor takes you "home" to "your kids" and forces you to cook, clean and perform other spousal functions. Once you regain your memory, you realize that you have learned an important life lesson.

you went to law schools you should be able to figure this out which one of many (about 5) options you can use in your answer
No, most of us didn't.

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because historically people jump in replying nonselse when they know exactly what I'm asking but they of course have toprove a point that they are smarter than me in front of eachother instead of just answering the question
so it turns into this kind of conversation.

and what do you expect when you post stupid replies I'm rude because of your replies. was I rude in my original post?
no I was rude after you replied with nonsense trying to make it sound like I asked you to solve some insanely difficult equation or something

its a simple fn queston that you turned into a huge debate
I posted few specific examples its pretty clear what I'm asking you.
but apparently somehow it turned into endless possibilities in your head..
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