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What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? CA
Is it mandatory to include arbitration clauses in CA commercial leases? or can the parties agree to a more traditional dispute resolution? like court!
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? TN
Hey guys, didn't know where to put this. So I bought my house before I was married and the deed is in my name and the mortgage is in my name too. I am married now (and not divorcing! haha) but haven't changed the mortgage or deed. My husband...
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? WI
If an employee is paid solely on commission can an employer "charge" or "fine" an employee for mistakes made such as not filling out a section on a form.
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? not the US but.... what do you guys think of this?
Service by Facebook
In December of last year, an Australian judge permitted service via acebook as an alternative method of service. Solicitors for the Claimant in this case had obtained a...
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? TN and PA
OK, I can't find exactly where to put this so I put it here.
I understand that the EEOC came up with new race designations and have suggested employers update their data. My company just did a complete update of our associates. Would...
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? tn
who can help me find a link to the google settlement. someone told me it was out there and was about 143 pages long, i need to find it. thanks.
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? TX
I'm asking for a friend
how we would transfer our tanning salon from the individual ownership to our corporation...would be do a bill of sale or is there some easy thing we can type up and have notorized?
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? TN
Hello good people of FA! I have a question about what happens to a copyright of say a book upon the death of the holder? is it an asset that goes through distribution? can it be given to someone in a will?
what if someone just had a...
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? TN
Hi, not sure if this is the right place to put this but here goes.
When you quote "estimated freight charges" to a customer do you have to specifically say "and handling" if handling charges are included? or does "freight" include in its...
What is the name of your state? PA
Hi, we have a question on our application that asks if the person has ever been convicted of a felony. An application put nothing down, or no. They plea nolo contendre to a felony assault and theft charge over 10 years ago. I know we can't hold the over 10...
What is the name of your state? TN
Hi, is there a reason/law that says we cant include a background check form/authorization in the same packet of information as the application. like when we hand them a packet of docs for for applying, why can't the background check form be in there?
What is the name of your state? TN
I have no idea where to put this.
If a company is having a promotion making big fake money of an increment not even in use, such as a million dollar. with a picture of someone in the office and they are handing them out as kinda souvenirs of the promotion...
What is the name of your state? PA
Do you know if the state of PA requires the employer to mail a Cobra notice to employees once they terminate employment?
thanks in advance
What is the name of your state? TN
hey guys, not sure if this is the right employment law forum, this is a FMLA question.
someone is eligible for their 12 weeks of FMLA and are currently using it. they do not regularly work 40 hours a week, so do you count the 12 weeks by hours or by weeks...
What is the name of your state? PA
Hi, I wasn't sure if I should ask this here or in fringe benefits, but can an employer require as a condition of employment that the employee have health insurance?
Not necessarily mandatory through the company but if the employee wants to opt out of...
What is the name of your state? TN
Hi guys, I actually have a question! In the wake of all this mortgage/subprime/foreclosure crap that is going on, I got sorta freaked out about my own loan.
In my previous homes, I always got loans through my own bank. This last house I bought in 2006 and...
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