Former Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg's legal career had its humble beginnings at Chicago's Crane Junior College. Ross Perot and Walt Disney both rose to the top after attending community colleges. If you have the drive, you can certainly create a path to whatever position you desire.
I add that you will need a stomach for the profession and many of its adherents. No doubt you will cross paths with characters such as IAAL. What percentage of his 30,000+ posts ( that equates to over 41 days spent NOT serving clients or alternately 1000 unbillable hours~OUCH!!) violate this user agreement?
""You agree that you will NOT post any knowingly false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, or threatening message. ""
My response:
Wow! You sure know how to "prove" a point, don't you!
First, you take an assumed premise, and then you attempt to justify that premise by saying that I must not be serving my clients.
You see, my dear imbecilic "buriedinIgnorance", you're obviously coming from the premise that I'm an "employee" - - like yourself. There's your big mistake. Not all of us are "employees" like you. Did you even bother to read my "profile"?
Here's your answer: I'm an employer, not an employee. I own the law firm - - idiot stick! That means, my time is my own - - others now do my work for me - - the work I used to do. Now, and as it's been for many years, people make money for me while I employ them.
Is that too difficult of a concept for you to grasp? Let me know. I'll try to simplify it for you.