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Father does NOT want to follow orders? HELP??

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Junior Member

My daughter's father has told me several times he will not follow orders specifically in bringing her back home on time. He chooses when to bring her home while i'm stuck at home calling which he never answers his phone. He is doing it out of spite since i've moved on. I dont know what I can do, if i should call the police when he doesnt bring her home so they can document it or just keep record of it. Any info is greatly appreciated.
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Senior Member
What time is he ordered to return her? How late has he been? What does your order state re: transportation? How far away from each other do you live? How long has this been going on?


Junior Member
He is suppose to bring her home by 6Pm. The order states he is suppose to pick her up and drop her off at my residence unless he picks up her from school which I have no problems letting him. We live about 20 mins away from each other. In the past I've always met him or his mother half way because they felt they were doing me a favor by bringing her to my home. So to avoid issues I just gave in but i'm tired of them always changing their minds.


Senior Member
So are we talking late by 10 minutes, late by an hour, late by 3 days? Is dad perhaps going to the halfway point that y'all have established as status quo... waiting for you to appear... and when you don't, driving the child home?


Junior Member
Depending on the mood he is in at the time depends on when he'll bring her. The past two sunday's he brought her at 9 pm. Last sunday he said he was going to keep her and take her to school then changed his mind at 1030 @ night. I've tried explaining to him the affect this is going to have on our daughter but he is just stubborn to understand. He is trying to hurt me but not realizing he's hurting his daughter.


Senior Member
most orders have dad pick up kids at start of visitation and mom pick them up at the end for just this reason**************..


Senior Member
dynomight77 said:
most orders have dad pick up kids at start of visitation and mom pick them up at the end for just this reason**************..
It doesn't matter. Dad is ordered to do both and until he gets a judge to modify the orders, he is in contempt.


Senior Member
i UNDERSTAND that, i am saying this could all be avoided if mom picked the kids up, she can file for contempt over a few hours, or a few minutes here and there if she wants, i am just saying if it was me i would just go pick my kid up!


Junior Member
Over the past year i've met them to pick up my daughter. My daughter's father needs things to be in black and white there cant be any gray for him. therefore me meeting them was something that was not in the order, so i guess you could call it a verbal agreement but after a while that became an issue so i told him we have to stick to the actually orders because we can not agree. This isnt about me not wanting to pick up my daughter because i have and will continue but this is something that is going against orders. I would just like information on how i could put this on record so if it becomes a bigger issue later i have documentation of all of this.


Senior Member
malcava said:
Over the past year i've met them to pick up my daughter. My daughter's father needs things to be in black and white there cant be any gray for him. therefore me meeting them was something that was not in the order, so i guess you could call it a verbal agreement but after a while that became an issue so i told him we have to stick to the actually orders because we can not agree. This isnt about me not wanting to pick up my daughter because i have and will continue but this is something that is going against orders. I would just like information on how i could put this on record so if it becomes a bigger issue later i have documentation of all of this.
If you want documentation, then take your COs and get a police report made on Sunday evenings.

Why did you decide not to meet halfway?


Junior Member
Thank you for that advice. I stopped meeting them because it stopped being half way and practically became me going to his mother's house which is about an hour away. The father then would tell me well you did it last weekend why cant you do it again. Then like i mentioned before it would turn into she's going to spend the night with him and then i'd get calls later that i would have to go pick her up. Parents know that a child needs consistency.


Senior Member
malcava said:

My daughter's father has told me several times he will not follow orders specifically in bringing her back home on time. He chooses when to bring her home while i'm stuck at home calling which he never answers his phone. He is doing it out of spite since i've moved on. I dont know what I can do, if i should call the police when he doesnt bring her home so they can document it or just keep record of it. Any info is greatly appreciated.
Keep a copy of your court order with you at all times. EVERY or ANY time she is not returned per the court order- call and remind Dad to bring her home...if he refuses, contact the police. Ask to file a report. Take the police reports (& phone records showing calls to his residence at the appropriate times attempting to get her returned) and file against him for contempt.

At first, he will likely only get a warning from the judge and be ordered to adhere to the court order~ then he will either be greatly encouraged to cooperate or he will risk fines, jail time or loss of parenting time etc. A judge does NOT like someone he ordered to adhere to a court order, showing back up in court after breaking the order again.

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