I currently live in Connecticut, but I needed to move my family because my neighbor was stalking and secretly videotaping my wife for years. The neighbor was arrested and charged with with video vouyersim, stalking, and criminal tresspass. Since he was an upstanding citizen, he was able to plea down to criminal tresspass. That is the jist of the case . . . ( I have two ethical questions). The first is the defendant's attorney was a friend of the DA. They live in the same town, and infact the defendant's attorney also represents the Police Department that arrested the defendant. Believe it or not, the Police Department told me this after the sentencing . Addtionally, we found out that the DA witheld an incriminating comprehensive forensic report that found that the defendant had an extensive collection of videos and porn related to stalking, bondage chloriphoming and raping women. She also witheld other allegations and complaints in the file against the defendant pertaining to other reports that he stalked and videotaped other women. The judge did not view the file, or these reports, and I was not able to view the file until several months after the sentencing (Although I requested to see the forensic evidence found prior to sentencing). My second ethical question pertains to the information that I now have. Many of my former neighbors have asked what the police found. Can I give them a copy of this forensic report? The case is closed at this time, but I do have a civil action against this person. My own attorney is advising me against it, but I would like to have another opinion.