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Easy Solution to DUI charges!

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I am writing from New Hampshire and I just wanted to stop here and say that the easiest solution to DUI charges is:
Don't Drink and Drive. People break the law and then they come here and expect sympathy. It is very maddening to see all these posts by people who either did/could kill someone just for a good night on the town. If you don't drink and drive ....... you won't have charges to face!



I agree.. but, we should outlaw drinking and driving all together. There should be no here or there. It should be, drink and do not drive, or drive and do not drink, AT ALL. I have been involved in a circumstance that I had no clue if it was legal to drive,one of my friends was arrested for a DUI and only had two drinks. It seems that there is no way to tell what is "legal" when it comes time to get in the car and drive. Yes, the law may say you can not run a red light, that is clear. But how do you determin your legal limit if there are no bounderies set? One drink? Two? Or three? The states have different drinking levels. I took a New Years resolution three years back, I would not drive my children even if I tasted a sip of alcohol. If we opt to not have any trace of alcohol on our breath or in our system it would eleviate many of the problems.


I couldn't agree with you more!

Just like many others, I like to have fun and have a few drinks now and then but I can say, with much PRIDE, that not once have I ever driven after even a sip of alcohol and I have never gotten a ride from someone who has had a sip.
Any person who drives a car after drinking, especially with a child, is the lowest scum at the bottom of the pond!!!

There is NO excuse for drinking and driving! I have had many occasions in which I "felt" good enough to drive but common sense tells me not to. I hear stories all the time of people being killed by drunk drivers and mark my words, if any drunk ever kills anyone I love, I will make them wish they were never born! I would make every day of their existance a pure hell! I would never let them forget!

Well, I could go on and on, but I think I have said enough.
Obviously our government doesn't feel like this is important enough to warrant stricter measures. Loss of license? Big Deal!! If they cared about the law, they wouldn't drink and drive in the first place so what makes them think they are going to care about "driving with a suspended license?" Come on!!!


Let Justice at home take it's course...

You sound very mad and I must agree on 99.98% of what you've said. Many if not all adults from the ages of 25 and up had driven a motor vehicle while under some form of alcohol including yourself I'm sure.
I live in a county where there are 500, residents. Our DWI classes are full to capacity, approximately 35 person's
per class, 5 days a week all year round. That's quite scary I must say. I send my prays out to those who have lost a love one as a result of a drunken driver, it's a damn shame.
You want to be part of the solution? It's simple, when you find yourself at liberty, get in your car with a friend or two, with a cell phone and start looking for those DWI's.
Get them off the road, you won't regret it and at the same time you'll automatically save not one, but two lives.
Of course I'm also angry of drunken drivers being on our roads, we all pass one every 5 to 10 miles on the expressway. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors and backgrounds, from a factory worker, law enforcement personnel to pubilc officials, even your family members.
Here's a good question, how many back yard bar-b-cues have you or your neighbors had with many invtied friends and who drank before the ocassion was over? One person?
Even one was too many if they drank and got behind the wheel. The Government should do more about second offenders and at the same time many first offenders have learned their lesson. Will it end? I can honestly say I don't think so. Can we do something about it? Sure, let Parents take control of their household and educate their children about alcoholism and the circumstances of drinking and driving.
Prison have a scare straight program? Sure.
How about a scare straight program for drunken drivers?
Take the children to the Hospitals and let them see those who are victims of drunken driving, those who are dying from alcoholism and those who are dead in our morgues. Let them visit the prison system and court system and see those who are confined and those who are facing justice.
When we're watching a ball game in the comfort of our home and drinking a beer, keep them away from that environment.
There are so many downfalls in our own home. The next time your drinking in the presents of a child, look at the way the child focuses on your behavoir. You don't have to drink and drive in order to corrupt the mind of a child, planting the seed will do just fine.

[email protected]


A few comments..................

As I previously stated, I have NEVER driven even after a sip of alcohol. Even as a partying teen, I always had enough common sense not to drink and drive or ride with someone who had been drinking. It might be due to the fact that a group of very popular students in my high school were involved in a bad crash and the nicest guy of all and the only sober one, is now a crippled young man with no memory of his former self. That had a huge impact on me.

I am now the mother of four children and my only reason for being so angry is because I have to share the road with those who choose to risk the lives of MY children when they drink and drive!

I honestly cannot even count how many times I have stopped at payphones to call and report suspected drunk drivers and I will continue to do so. And to respond to your comments about backyard bbq's........... No one drinks at my house and leaves! I don't take this responsibility lightly. Anyone who knows me, knows how I feel about this subject.

I also agree that prevention is the key. Why wait until someone is has been caught? Make it an assignment for seniors in highschool to visit the morgue or a prison. Unfortunately by then, they probably are already drinking and driving. Do it in middle school when they are young and impressionable.

I have not lost anyone to a drunk driver and I hope I never do, however, I have a very good friend who's husband has a 7 inch scar down his face from one! I guess maybe that is a constant reminder.

Well, I am very glad we could have this discussion and I thank you for your input!



We all agree that drinking and driving is wrong. I think though that the laws are what is wrong as well. We can say it until we are blue in the face, however, it will no hold unless a law is backing you up. All states allow for some "drinking and driving" that is why it is called a legal limit.A couple of drinks could be legally intoxicating to a person weighing 100 lbs. then a person weighing 200 lbs.would not be. Wene was the last time that you left a bar or a Barbque and was offered a breathelizer test? That is my point. You know that if you come to a stop sign, you stop, but you do not know if you are "legally" able to drive after any drinks. It is very misleading. This is why I take a stand against drinking anything and getting behind the wheel. No, thank God I have never lost or been involed with anyone that has lost a love one to a DUI. But... I do not blame the people that drink and drive resonsibly because they are allowed to do so under what the law allows them. They are told the "Legal Limit" which they are given a test after the fact but not before. Who do we blame??


You just answered your own question!!

The fact that people don't know when they are legal or not is precisely why someone should NOT drink and drive after having ANYTHING to drink. That is what a RESPONSIBLE person does. I am very shocked at one of your statements. When you said "I do not blame the people that drink and drive responsibly because they are allowed to do so under what the law allows them." How can you put the word
"responsibly" in the same sentence as the words "drink and drive?" Responsible people DON'T drink and drive.

I have seen people who thought they were "ok to drive" Some of them couldn't even focus on anything and others couldn't walk straight, BUT.... They swore up and down they were "ok to drive!"

I do believe that everyone who is old enough to drink is also old enough to know that it is dangerous to mix alcohol with driving. Whether you are over the limit or not. A responsible person arranges for transportation when they know they will be drinking. If you drive TO a bar, you are making an irresponsible choice already. You are setting yourself up for the possibility of thinking you are "ok to drive." This is not rocket science here! It's very simple actually...... If you are planning to drink, arrange a safe ride home. If you go somewhere and you weren't expecting to drink but someone offers you a drink, SAY NO THANK YOU, I HAVE TO DRIVE! Why is this concept so hard for so many people to grasp???

About 8 years ago, I was very good friends with a troubled young guy and one evening he showed up at my apartment very drunk, driving his mothers minivan. I told him he was not getting back in the van and after wrestling the keys away from me, I yelled at him and told him that if he got in the van and started it, I was going to call the police on him. He got right in the van and I called the police immediately and he was found and arrested about 30 minutes later going about 65 mph in a 40 mph zone. He came back a week later and thanked me. I decided at that point that I was not going to be able to help him and I did not need the stress in my life of having an alcoholic who drinks and drives in my life. I have not seen him since. I would do the same thing again in a heartbeat.

Enough said!





That's ok! I forgive you for your obvious anger!

Dear Hiswife,
I am not a member of MADD, I am just a mother who wants to end drunk driving. I don't know what article you were referring to and it is completely irrelevant anyway. Just because one irresponsible woman committed a crime, does that mean that everyone in the same organization deserves to be persecuted? That was quite a stretch if you want my opinion.

Judging by the anger behind your words, I would say you have some personal experience w/ this. Was it you or your husband or what?

I am not going to get into a mudslinging fest with you over this. If you are that angry, I suggest you seek counseling.

That's all.


i dont need forgiveness just stating what the paper said

There are alot of people angry im sure ,like the parents of the innocent person she killed,only to have her walk away scott free.It is obvious that you didnt read the article,I guess you would have had to get out your chair to do so.you yourself might look into counceling or get a pet or something.


Last Response

Look, it's obvious that you are looking to start an argument and if that is the case, go somewhere else.
That is not what these boards were intended for.

As far as me getting out of my chair......... I almost never get to sit down. I have 4 children so sitting is
rare. As far as a pet goes, I have a son with severe allergies so that is out too.

I already told you I hadn't read the article. Maybe you could post a link to it for all of us to read? I am quite
surprised that I hadn't heard of it elsewhere. I would think that story would be on every news station. Are you
sure you weren't reading the Enquirer?

This is the last time I am going to respond to your critisism. If you want to have a mature conversation about a very sad epidemic, that's fine. Otherwise, find somewhere else to go.

Oh, as an afterthought of your first post, ......... why in the world would millions of women who are genuine in there commitment to MADD go and stand behind ONE PERSON who broke that trust and committed the very crime they hate so much? Kind of a dumb question, huh?

[Edited by MaddMom on 06-07-2001 at 07:49 AM]


B.S. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Maybe we should treat a DUI like a murder. If you had 3 drinks (beer) get pulled over, just getting into your car. You should be tried and convicted for DUI punishable by death. PERIOD!!!! What complete B.S. I've got an article for all you retards to read. http://www.avsa.com/madd/oldpage.htm
Check it out and see how you feel afterward. All DUI is right now is the most money generating crime of all crimes. THATS IT!!! You get a DUI it will cost at least 3000.00 (probably to go to the production of alcohol) and to those MADD mothers trying to find a way to bring there sorrows down by killing someone they don't even know for driving drunk. You see cops know this and just wait for people to leave a bar. Forget about that guy with a shotgun down on main street blowing peoples' heads off. Get that guy pulling out of that bar. Don't get me wrong I know driving drunk is wrong however we are getting a little carried away with it.


Give me a break!!!

I looked at your article that you find so important for all of us "retards" to read. That was a really mature statement by the way.

Anyway, I could care less about the reliability of those statistics. What I care about is that ANYONE has to die because of another persons total disregard for the law!!! If one person dies every year because someone chose to drink and drive, don't you think that is one too many? As I previously stated, I am not a paid member of MADD, I am just a mother who doesn't ever want to have to bury my child because some person had a good night in a bar and feels "good enough" to drive. How dare you even defend the guilty? With the amount of anger you possess, I would venture a guess that you or someone close to you has been convicted of DUI and you are taking your anger here instead of to it's rightful place.

What exactly is the problem with the police waiting outside of bars? I think every bar should have a police officer waiting outside to deter people from drinking and driving.
You obviously don't have children and if you do, shame on you for caring more about criminals than your children.

Don't come here and blast us with your misplaced anger!

People who drink and drive are criminals .......... PERIOD!!




This is not a blast of anger, and however you take it, it most certainly is not misplaced. Do you believe some of the stories posted in this forum. People getting DUI's sitting in there cars asleep. How is that possible? I honestly do not believe you read that entire article. There are crimes being commited here on both sides of the story. Does that make either one of us correct? One thing I don't understand about society today is why people cannot just keep to themselves? You are worried about other peoples driving abilities, some are worried about a little smoke in there face from walking by a smoker, some are worried about the whales, gas, environment, cancer, murderers, etc... WOW!!! And because the ignorance of one person judging of other people, they don't even know, causing them to lose a job, family, house, car, license, children, etc... personally its people like yourself that drives others towards alcoholism!!! I know you are making me want to go get a beer right now. Have a nice weekend!!! And get out there with your cell phone and see if you can't put a few of these killers to jail for life.
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