What is the name of your state? Texas
A business employs an independent contractor to do some work. The knuckleheads running the business pay the contractor (> $600) without first obtaining a W-9. When now asked for a W-9, the contractor has a good laugh.
What are the business' obligations in issuing a 1099? Contractor name and address are available, but can a 1099 be issued without a TIN?
Thanks for any help.
A business employs an independent contractor to do some work. The knuckleheads running the business pay the contractor (> $600) without first obtaining a W-9. When now asked for a W-9, the contractor has a good laugh.
What are the business' obligations in issuing a 1099? Contractor name and address are available, but can a 1099 be issued without a TIN?
Thanks for any help.