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I apologize for the preview button issue, allow me to restate my previous post.
I purchased a home two months ago and signed an Acceptance and Waiver when I closed on our home. After a month I started experiencing sewer issues and finally had to get professional help. They did temporarily resolve the issue, but discovered by camera that the sewer needs $11,000 worth of repairs. In speaking with neighbors it seems that the previous owners had similar issues and regularly had plumbers on site. They even went as far as to install an exterior clean out to aid the process. None of this was disclosed in the disclosure form that they provided, and when asked specifically marked "Not Defective" under plumbing, and when asked if the sewer needed any additional improvements they marked as "No". Since I signed a waiver at the time of closure saying that I accept the home in "As-Is" condition, I am not sure if I have any legal recourse. I am currently attempting to track down the plumbers who did the previous work, but I am sure they must have been aware of the extent of the issue. What do you think?