Junior Member
What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state? NY
If a child is no longer in school (quit HS, no GED- no college), 18 years of age and no longer living with the CP (lives with boyfriend/girlfriend& their family), has a job sometimes- does the parent that is paying child support have to continue paying until they are 21? It seems ridiculous if the child does not receive any of the money, but, the CP uses it to suppliment their income and support two younger children (they are not the children of the person that is paying child support- the CP was married twice/divorced twice).
If a child is no longer in school (quit HS, no GED- no college), 18 years of age and no longer living with the CP (lives with boyfriend/girlfriend& their family), has a job sometimes- does the parent that is paying child support have to continue paying until they are 21? It seems ridiculous if the child does not receive any of the money, but, the CP uses it to suppliment their income and support two younger children (they are not the children of the person that is paying child support- the CP was married twice/divorced twice).