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3rd party interferance

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What is the name of your state?florida

i heard there could be an order from a judge preventing 3rd party interferance can someone tell me a little more about it?
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Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
What is the name of your state?florida

i heard there could be an order from a judge preventing 3rd party interferance can someone tell me a little more about it?
In a nutshell, when the judge tells a 3rd party to Mind Their Own Business...or Butt Out. :rolleyes: 3rd parties are anyone other than the bio. parents. Why? You have a disruptive in law or boy/girl friend in the picture?
casa said:
In a nutshell, when the judge tells a 3rd party to Mind Their Own Business...or Butt Out. :rolleyes: 3rd parties are anyone other than the bio. parents. Why? You have a disruptive in law or boy/girl friend in the picture?
God yes!! his parents listen to every phone call(he lives w/ them) and they have no qualms about throwing in their oppinion i.e. hang up on that and who cares if the baby is sick or she has no one to watch him thats her problem. they tell him when he can answer the phone which is agrivating for me i dont have all day to play games. they even give him a time limit. his mother even told him to pay his cs and forget about the kid go have another family when he is ready.
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just hapening now

father just answered.... trying to contact ex about babys health issue...father said he (my ex) doesnt care he doesnt want to communicate period so never call again.... there is no visitation est. what should i do? say good riddance since legally visitation hasnt been est.? if he decides he wants to sudenly walk into our sons life will his behavior now count against him? i have given ample oppertunity and bent over backwards to keep him involved and he has not done anything w/ mommy n daddy running the show.
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Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
father just answered.... trying to contact ex about babys health issue...father said he (my ex) doesnt care he doesnt want to communicate period so never call again.... there is no visitation est. what should i do? say good riddance since legally visitation hasnt been est.? if he decides he wants to sudenly walk into our sons life will his behavior now count against him? i have given ample oppertunity and bent over backwards to keep him involved and he has not done anything but be w/ mommy n daddy running the show.

This question has been answered REPEATEDLY (even on threads you have now deleted)!!! The baby is NOT even born yet (unless it's been in the last few days) and you have been told (again REPEATEDLY) that until the child is born and paternity is established he does not have rights NOR does he have to pay support (buy baby supplies currently or later) without a court order, yet IF AND WHEN an order for support is issued he will have to pay support AND if he files for he will be granted visitation, regardless if he lives with his parents, his friend... etc... AND don't forget you would need to inform him AND get his permission if you want your new boyfriend to adopt.
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tigger22472 said:
This question has been answered REPEATEDLY (even on threads you have now deleted)!!! The baby is NOT even born yet (unless it's been in the last few days) and you have been told (again REPEATEDLY) that until the child is born and paternity is established he does not have rights NOR does he have to pay support (buy baby supplies currently or later) without a court order, yet IF AND WHEN an order for support is issued he will have to pay support AND if he files for he will be granted visitation, regardless if he lives with his parents, his friend... etc... AND don't forget you would need to inform him AND get his permission if you want your new boyfriend to adopt.

what r u talking about where do u see new b/f or adoption? and actually this post is not refering to any of what you just said so how bout u go waste someone elses time. im interested in legal responses not old maids w/ nothing to do but run around talking crap on everyone elses posts.... in short dont respond im not interested in your opinion thanx


Senior Member
THIS is what I was answering so yes I DID answer your question.

newmommy20 said:
father just answered.... trying to contact ex about babys health issue...father said he (my ex) doesnt care he doesnt want to communicate period so never call again.... there is no visitation est. what should i do? say good riddance since legally visitation hasnt been est.? if he decides he wants to sudenly walk into our sons life will his behavior now count against him? i have given ample oppertunity and bent over backwards to keep him involved and he has not done anything w/ mommy n daddy running the show.

And please you asked not long ago how to go about having your new b/f adopt this child because you're such a good Christian girl and bio-dad is ...
That is one of the threads you conveniently deleted when you got ticked off because you didn't like the answers you were getting.

You need to wrap your head around the fact that this guy is not legally responsible for anything right now because the baby hasn't even been born nor has paternity been established. If he doesn't step up to the plate now it doesn't matter... 10 years from now he can walk in and get visitation if he wanted... granted it would likely be supervised to start but he would get it.
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tigger22472 said:
THIS is what I was answering so yes I DID answer your question.

And please you asked not long ago how to go about having your new b/f adopt this child because you're such a good Christian girl and bio-dad is Sh!t.
That is one of the threads you conveniently deleted when you got ticked off because you didn't like the answers you were getting.

u are so full of it!!! i havent been w/ anyone since his father and i never said anything about adoption!!! in case you cant read IM NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR OPINION!!!! SO QUIT PUTTIN CRAP ON MY POST!! GO WASTE SOMEONE ELSES TIME!!!!


Under the Radar Member
Funny, I seem to remember the deal about a b/f and adoption, too. Be that as it may, tigger is correct - until the child is born and paternity established AND orders made, he has no obligation to talk to you.


Senior Member
stealth2 said:
Funny, I seem to remember the deal about a b/f and adoption, too. Be that as it may, tigger is correct - until the child is born and paternity established AND orders made, he has no obligation to talk to you.
You recall it because it did happen. That was the night however she got all ticked off at you and I and started deleting threads... :D
thats not what the post is about!!! read it its called 3rd party int. not does dad have to talk to me. Im sorry i want all my research done seeing as my son is due any day now. i want to enjoy my baby not have to scramble for legal advice and i never said anything about adoption or a new b/f. As i have previously stated i have not been w/ anyone since his dad left in sep. so why would that come up? but again this post is not about me or your opinion so if you have any info on 3rd party int. thats all im interested in thank you
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