What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state? missouri
someone told me that statue 452.455 states that if a father is more than 10,000 behind in child support he can have his parental rights taken away is this true? and if so is this permanent or can he later fight to have them reinstated?
I received my answer for this question and i also called my case worker threw child support and she informed me that since the father is going to court twice a month and having the amount taken out of his check i can no longer do this. although what they take from his check is not nearly enough to cover his support. my new question is if the father stops going to court and stops making up the difference can i then file to have his rights terminated? and also in your opinion the father is also only paying because the courts are making him he does not call for his child ever to see him or to see how he is doing he wants nothing to do with the child he has a new girlfriend and has moved on. the child would not be missing out on something he does not have do you think i would stand a chance talking to the prosecuting attorney to have this done?
someone told me that statue 452.455 states that if a father is more than 10,000 behind in child support he can have his parental rights taken away is this true? and if so is this permanent or can he later fight to have them reinstated?
I received my answer for this question and i also called my case worker threw child support and she informed me that since the father is going to court twice a month and having the amount taken out of his check i can no longer do this. although what they take from his check is not nearly enough to cover his support. my new question is if the father stops going to court and stops making up the difference can i then file to have his rights terminated? and also in your opinion the father is also only paying because the courts are making him he does not call for his child ever to see him or to see how he is doing he wants nothing to do with the child he has a new girlfriend and has moved on. the child would not be missing out on something he does not have do you think i would stand a chance talking to the prosecuting attorney to have this done?