My fiancee and I live in the state of KY. He has been divorced for three years. I believe, from what I know, his attorneys didn't do everything they could in his behalf and hes such a nice guy, he doesnt push. But his ex-wife is really becoming demanding and very controlling of everything including visits with his child. He was divorced after his wife left him, committed adultery with another man and took their child and went to Tenn with this man. My fianceee never knew what was even going on. He said his lawyer told him the adultery/desertion thing didnt make a difference in KY. His ex wife has custody of the child who is being neglected in discipline and possible mental health issues. We are wondering, is adultery/desertion grounds for divorce in KY and could he still pursue this? We are trying to find a way to try to gain custody of his child, whom, as I said, is having serious discipline and mental health issues. ANy help or info would be greatly appreciated.