What is the name of your state? Florida
First I'd like to say hello to the forum, hello and sorry for the long upcoming post. I am new here and found this website through a google search. It's close of business Friday and a short time ago (today) I learned of something that is listed on my record (or criminal record I guess you could say).
I cannot contact any local attorneys until next monday, so I would like an opinion, any opinion, on a matter that has presented itself to me.
A bit about me; I'm a recent college grad and I am now applying for jobs. My major was legal studies, however, it is my hope to get involved in law enforcement, Federal LE preferrably.
I'm in the hiring process w/ many agencies both Federal and local. I have a clean record, along w/ solid LE internships and I seem to be quite competitive.... until today.
This week I was dropped from a local dept's. hiring process after starting the background investigation phase. This came as a shock to me, as I know my background is clean. Upon finally reaching a POC today w/ the aformentioned department, I have learned that it was because of something in my (new to me) criminal record. It's a character issue; stealing.
In August of 2002 myself and few friends were retruring from a local college bar to a friend's apartment. Make a long story short; we go into the apartment, some of us go to bed, a couple stay up and continue drinking. I, now in my boxers, leave the apartment to go out to my car to retrieve something (cell phone, wallet, etc.). Parked near my car is a pizza delivery car, running w/ both doors open. I go to my car, get what I need, and begin to walk back towards the apt. bldg. As I walk by the pizza DV again, there's the pizza guy asking me where his pizzas went? I say: "I have no idea, I was just going to my car". His response: "Bull****, I just saw you next to my car", I again give the same response. The pizza guy tells me he is going to call the cops and I say "go ahead". I go back into the apartment and well, shortly, there's a knock at the door. Sheriff's deputies were called and now are a knocking. My friend who rents the apt. decides to ignore them as he wants to sleep and I do not want to deal w/ being accused by this guy (cops around there are just not friendly). So, they are ignored....until. 30 minutes later the power goes out, my friend and I step outside to check the circuit breaker (hot without A/C) and who do we find next to it? You guessed it, a couple of deputies. I'm immediately handcuffed and the pizza guy identifies me as the one he saw. I explain to the deputies what I was doing at that time and there not buying it. I repeatedly tell the pizza guy, "I didn't steal your pizza", "my hands aren't greasy" or "come closer, smell my breath. Smell any pepperoni?". No dice. Pizza guy says he wants to get payed or he is pressing charges. I don't have any money, so my friends cough up some cash (caused I'm scared ****less of being arressted) and I am released from custody. I had not thought about that incident until today when I was told I was explicitly denied employment because of it. When the PD ran my name, SSN#, etc., this incident report was in my record and listed me as the suspect. The PD's concern was a character one. I attempted to explain "that I no idea about this in my record" to no avail.
So, any ideas on recourse. To me it seems like lack of due process or slander. I never stole a damn thing, yet this report in my record says I did. Apparently I was never given a chance to defend myself (cept for the deputies that didn't buy my story). There was no written sworn statement by the "pizza guy", no charges pressed, nothing. However, there it is for the world to see. I have a copy of the report and spoke to a Captain w/ the arresting agency (professional standards bureau) and was told, short of a lawsuit, there's nothing he could do.
So, my plan is that. To file a lawsuit against the arresting agency and broadway pizza. Expungement is not an option as this is based on principle. I want this incident report completely removed from my record.I didn't steal a damn thing, I was threatened w/ arrest, so my friends bailed me out of a bad situation. I am quite frustrated and upset.
Again, sorry for the long post. Thank you guys/gals in advance.
First I'd like to say hello to the forum, hello and sorry for the long upcoming post. I am new here and found this website through a google search. It's close of business Friday and a short time ago (today) I learned of something that is listed on my record (or criminal record I guess you could say).
I cannot contact any local attorneys until next monday, so I would like an opinion, any opinion, on a matter that has presented itself to me.
A bit about me; I'm a recent college grad and I am now applying for jobs. My major was legal studies, however, it is my hope to get involved in law enforcement, Federal LE preferrably.
I'm in the hiring process w/ many agencies both Federal and local. I have a clean record, along w/ solid LE internships and I seem to be quite competitive.... until today.
This week I was dropped from a local dept's. hiring process after starting the background investigation phase. This came as a shock to me, as I know my background is clean. Upon finally reaching a POC today w/ the aformentioned department, I have learned that it was because of something in my (new to me) criminal record. It's a character issue; stealing.
In August of 2002 myself and few friends were retruring from a local college bar to a friend's apartment. Make a long story short; we go into the apartment, some of us go to bed, a couple stay up and continue drinking. I, now in my boxers, leave the apartment to go out to my car to retrieve something (cell phone, wallet, etc.). Parked near my car is a pizza delivery car, running w/ both doors open. I go to my car, get what I need, and begin to walk back towards the apt. bldg. As I walk by the pizza DV again, there's the pizza guy asking me where his pizzas went? I say: "I have no idea, I was just going to my car". His response: "Bull****, I just saw you next to my car", I again give the same response. The pizza guy tells me he is going to call the cops and I say "go ahead". I go back into the apartment and well, shortly, there's a knock at the door. Sheriff's deputies were called and now are a knocking. My friend who rents the apt. decides to ignore them as he wants to sleep and I do not want to deal w/ being accused by this guy (cops around there are just not friendly). So, they are ignored....until. 30 minutes later the power goes out, my friend and I step outside to check the circuit breaker (hot without A/C) and who do we find next to it? You guessed it, a couple of deputies. I'm immediately handcuffed and the pizza guy identifies me as the one he saw. I explain to the deputies what I was doing at that time and there not buying it. I repeatedly tell the pizza guy, "I didn't steal your pizza", "my hands aren't greasy" or "come closer, smell my breath. Smell any pepperoni?". No dice. Pizza guy says he wants to get payed or he is pressing charges. I don't have any money, so my friends cough up some cash (caused I'm scared ****less of being arressted) and I am released from custody. I had not thought about that incident until today when I was told I was explicitly denied employment because of it. When the PD ran my name, SSN#, etc., this incident report was in my record and listed me as the suspect. The PD's concern was a character one. I attempted to explain "that I no idea about this in my record" to no avail.
So, any ideas on recourse. To me it seems like lack of due process or slander. I never stole a damn thing, yet this report in my record says I did. Apparently I was never given a chance to defend myself (cept for the deputies that didn't buy my story). There was no written sworn statement by the "pizza guy", no charges pressed, nothing. However, there it is for the world to see. I have a copy of the report and spoke to a Captain w/ the arresting agency (professional standards bureau) and was told, short of a lawsuit, there's nothing he could do.
So, my plan is that. To file a lawsuit against the arresting agency and broadway pizza. Expungement is not an option as this is based on principle. I want this incident report completely removed from my record.I didn't steal a damn thing, I was threatened w/ arrest, so my friends bailed me out of a bad situation. I am quite frustrated and upset.
Again, sorry for the long post. Thank you guys/gals in advance.