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AG screwed up or am I confused?

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What is the name of your state? Texas

A couple days I rcvd a letter from The Attorny Generals Office that I am to make a 250.00 payment due May 1 or 2. Then below that it said I owed arrears in the amount of 715.and change......

NOW My court order in Jan states it is to be withheld from my pay and I owe 400 in arrears because my ex's dumb attorney would not accept a deal for CS which I offered more than I ended up having to pay. So for the two months they didnt know I was asked to pay months later which is fine.
They take 11. and change from each check, BUT is the AG not getting correct info. Apparantly they did not rcv my order until the end of March which was signed Jan 30. They did not say however this was the problem. Im confused now. Can anyone explain why there is 715 in arrears and why they are asking me to send 250 in for May?????? They said they had to send a letter to me to revoke my attorney privilidges which I told them I didnt have one anymore but until I sign it they cant speak to me about it!!!

My ex had advised me she had rcvd payments as well. Any words of advise??


Under the Radar Member
This may be a novel idea, but.... is there a phone number on that letter? Have you considered CALLING it and asking?
This may be a novel idea, but.... is there a phone number on that letter? Have you considered CALLING it and asking?
I think you may have missed the part they wouldnt talk to me about it because they say I have an attorney!! They said I have to revoke my rights to speak to them about the letter... Thats the 2nd issue in dealing with the letter!


Senior Member
So how hard is it to sign the second letter and send it back to them? :rolleyes:
Well, I think he's afraid that if he does that, then he KNOWS he won't be able to drag an atty into this at a later date when the AG isn't caving into his demands.;)

He may not have an atty at this very minute, but he wants to be able to keep that option open for himself in the future.

How close am I, OP?


Junior Member
I truly understand the confussion, I live in CA, and for a month now I have made numerous phone calls and paid out expenses for faxes due to a closed case back in 2001 and they offset my husbands taxes stating we owe arrears, But this case was closed. Just an FyI you are not going to get any where with them. I have written letters of complaints, calling to complain about the AG office with no response. I have had to hire an attorney in TX to figure all of this out. The $ the AG office says we owe have gone from $23,000 to $2600.00 and the numbers just do not add up. But do not give up, I have'nt
I never signed a letter in the beginning. AG dropped out cuz we both got attorneys. Only by the end of the custody date & final hearing I could not afford to pay My attorney so i failed to see why they think I had one and why they think I owe money that in my court order is 300 less. They said they would mail a letter to revoke my attorney which I can becuase you can always get an attorney for custody. child Support is not an issue. To my ex maybe. But I told them I had none to please explain the letter. The lady was so rude I called Austin. They gave me number to complain ... yee haw for that And I got hold of a lady who did say they did not get the Order signed in Jan until the end of march. But I highly doubt they have the Notic of Witholdings so I faxed that anyway so they can see they have improper information. So they mailed the paper I signed it anyways. Sent it back.

Im petty sure they just had the wrong info but that lady was a horses butt! So I am waitinga couple days than calling back. I really hate that county...
I truly understand the confussion, I live in CA, and for a month now I have made numerous phone calls and paid out expenses for faxes due to a closed case back in 2001 and they offset my husbands taxes stating we owe arrears, But this case was closed. Just an FyI you are not going to get any where with them. I have written letters of complaints, calling to complain about the AG office with no response. I have had to hire an attorney in TX to figure all of this out. The $ the AG office says we owe have gone from $23,000 to $2600.00 and the numbers just do not add up. But do not give up, I have'nt

Well my fiance one time when the case got opened and luckily I aint got screwed yet.. but she emailed the actual Attorney General of Texas and got a reply from his office. So far no issues until now. But if they need my checks showing ive paid well then have at it. I know what I pay. I think they just didnt have the info and were too rude to let me explain. Im sorry you are in that situation. Seems sticky!
Well, I think he's afraid that if he does that, then he KNOWS he won't be able to drag an atty into this at a later date when the AG isn't caving into his demands.;)

He may not have an atty at this very minute, but he wants to be able to keep that option open for himself in the future.

How close am I, OP?

Good. Thanks. Yes I thought that but figured well if I have to sign it so be it. When I got the letter it said I can make changes.:) But they are so mean.

garrula lingua

Senior Member
Well, I think he's afraid that if he does that, then he KNOWS he won't be able to drag an atty into this at a later date when the AG isn't caving into his demands.;)

He may not have an atty at this very minute, but he wants to be able to keep that option open for himself in the future.

How close am I, OP?
The AG (or any other government Prosecutor) cannot prevent a defendant/respondent from having an attorney.
No one can forfeit their future right to an attorney.
A Judge can refuse a request for a continuance to hire an attorney, but that is very rare - it is sacrosanct that people have a right to an attorney.
If you have paid the support during the time that the OAG did not have your Order and you have proof of those payments then that should suffice eventually. My husband and I tried to have the State of Texas collect and disburse his payments to his ex wife in Kentucky about a year and a half ago and they ended up saying he had to begin paying the same support amount he was paying to Kentucky to the State of Texas!! Basically, they were expecting him to pay DOUBLE support payments for the same kids! It all worked out in the end but it is a headache all the way around. The worst part about the whole deal is that they will hit your credit report, suspend licenses sometimes, intercept tax refunds and so on even if it is their own fault! Hang in there and keep proof of everything you pay and or have paid out! It would really help too if your ex would also write in to the OAG and let them know that he/she has in fact received the support payments and show proof as well. Take care...and good luck!

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