Junior Member
At my university there is not much parking. I missed out on getting a spot near campus so I bought the only permit available which was miles from campus. Although it wasn't fun I got to school early each day so I could have time to park and then shuttle to campus. One day it was storming and I was sick and running late so I altered my parking permit to look as though I could park closer to campus just for the day then I was gonna change it back. Bad idea. First time got busted. Paid a bunch of parking fines to campus. I am worried though about being charged with a theft of services. I mean really. One time and I even had a permit that cost the same as the good parking. I don't want to have a theft of services charge on my record for such as stupid thing. What are my options. If you were to plead guilty will it show on your record permanetly. Should I fight it in court. I mean I did park where I wasn't suppose to. But it was only 1 time and I had a valid paid permit that cost the same price as the closer parking. the closer parking had just sold out. I just don't see how it can be theft of services. Parking fine I can understand but not theft of services.