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Am I being discriminated against for a promotion?

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For the past 2 years now, I have been applying for promotions on a constant basis, many for the same position numerous times. Each of these times I have been denied the position for one of three reasons: One reason I get is that I do not have enough experience. Another one that I get is that I need to work on my interview skills. Another one that I get is that I need to explain how, as a supervisor, I would handle one on one situations with agents and how I would hold a team meeting.

And the final one that really sets me off and I have seen this one numerous times is that the person they hired had more experience in management or they have had more experience at other companies. This really gets to me because many of these people that supposedly had more experience worked as a shift manager at a fast food restaurant, not in a call center. As far as experience goes, I have had more tenure than many of these reps and in many situations I had assisted in training them. These agents were in a position below my level and were promoted above me in a shorter period of time. I was advised when I took the position that I am in that it is a stepping stone to higher positions, as I help in handling issues whenever a sup is not available.

Anyways, some other issues that occurred is that recently, all of the sidework that I have done in the past is no longer offered to me, it is offered to other agents of the team, and the side jobs I used to do got pulled from me and assigned to someone else. I do not understand this as my performance has not dropped, the only thing that has occurred is that 2 years ago I had to apply for an Intermittent Medical Leave due to my epilepsy that had started for a period of time and so I needed it in case of one occurring at work. About 6 months later in one of my many interviews for a position I applied for my disability was even brought up to ask if it causes any problems at work, which it hasn't. But I never even received a follow up letter from that department, yet everyone else who got denied did. I have been feeling that this is holding me back along with the fact that all of the supervisors and management are friends and that seems to be mostly what they hire.and I am about to the point of quitting for this reason. I have also been told that this is a case of discrimination, but I am concerned that if I bring a case up it may cause troubles at work worse than they are, especially if I lose. Ihave even tried talking to HR about this, anyones feedback would be greatly appreciated as I am so tired of this and just want to give in, but I can't

To explain my disability a little, when I was 14, I was diagnosed as having epileptic seizures. This actually kept me on disability until I was 21 at which point I finished college and started to work to support myself. Awhile back my seizures started up again, intermittently. While I tried to get this taken care of in order to prevent causing an attendance issue, I took an intermittent medical leave so that if I had a seizure preventing me from working I did not gan attendance points. I pretty well have the issue under control, and even if I do mis work I always offered overtime to make up for the lost time.

One of the reasons for trying to get promoted is for this reason, I figure the positions not requiring me to work directly with customers would be better.

Please oh please someone help me, I am at my wits end, I have never given up, even after 30 applications and denials, but the stress has driven me into a bad depression.


I'm a Northern Girl
The reasons that they have given you are valid ones. It doesn't matter where the people they hired gained their experience; the important thing is that they have it. I haven't heard you interview but if your employer is not impressed with your interviewing skills, or with your solutions to the problems they pose to you, they are under no obligation to promote you. In fact, they are under no legal obligation to promote you, period.

Unless you have a valid and supportable reason to believe that the reasons they have provided (which are all legal reasons to refuse to promote you) are not true and that the REAL reason they have not promoted you is your disability (and I mean more evidence than simply supposition) then your options are to either accept that you are not likely to be promoted where you are or look for employment elsewhere.


Senior Member
Applying for promotions on a "constant" basis is only going to annoy your superiors. Maybe if you took some time and actually worked on the things they suggested you work on, you'd have better luck. It's entirely possible that they don't believe you're "management material" at this time, for whatever reason. That is not illegal.


Senior Member
For the past 2 years now, I have been applying for promotions on a constant basis, many for the same position numerous times.

The unfortunate truth (and I'm not trying to be mean) is that among members of management, your candidacy undoubtedly has become a joke. They know you're going to apply for each and every opening no matter what and no matter how many times they've told you that you're not qualified. If you wish to progress in your career, you're going to have to look outside your current company. And at any future places of employment, do not apply internally for each and every opening they have. You will only be considered a serious candidate if you apply on a selective basis for those positions for which you are reasonably qualified.

P.S. It is perfectly legitimate and legal to ask you if your epilepsy (or any other disability) causes any problems at work.
As far as positions go, I have been selective about them, what I have done is been applying for those that pertain to my education. Pretty much all of the applications that I have applied for only pertain to the supervisor positions and they are well aware of my reason for wanting the position. As far as the applications go, the management is constantly telling me to continue tryingbut after 2 years I am to the point of just going elsewhere. The thing that I am not understanding is that numerous times I have been told that I am well qualified and have the people skills necessary and that eventually I will get it. This actually came from the site manager in a one to one session I had with him.

As far as experience goes, as a mechanic I worked as a shop supervisor which gives me just as much experience as many of the others, I don't argue that many are well qualified, but I have been informed numerous times by the management that some of them did not understand why I was not offered the position. As far as my seizure problem goes it was clearly documented in all the papers that i had that it has no effect on the quality of my work, and upon being asked the question during the interview there were 2 interviewers there, and upon being asked that question by one the other gave her a sharp look and shook his head no. I think though that my decision now is to start applying elsewhere as soon as my 1 year contract is up with them for my tuition, or I may just stick in the position and tolerate it until I graduate. I do not want to pose any problems there as I get along very well there with everyone and am very respected by the people I work with, I just was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for my options.
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I'm a Northern Girl
You've already been told what your options are. For whatever reason, you are not a candidate for promotion at your current employer. Accept that and move on.
That is pretty much what I have decided to do, I have been putting the finishing touches on my resume, have it posted and have been searching for possible internships. No point in going nowhere and no point in feeling sorry for myself. Thanks for the pointers though, it does help to clarify things. I have been advised by friends that I should leave the company anyways.

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