My divorce was final on July 13,2000.The judge ordered for my ex-husband to pay our furniture account.What I have in writing is this........ "$980.84 shall be the sole and separate obligation of the respondent".Also in writing "Respondent shall indemnify and hold petitoner harmless for any financial obligations referred to as his separate obligations herein." He has ignored the judges settlement and has not paid a penny in ANYTHING.Including child support.If he does not pay the furniture will I have to pay even though it is in writing from a judge? Can it be that easy for him to get out of this?By the way-I'm in California.......
[Edited by veronica1 on 02-01-2001 at 12:10 PM]
[Edited by veronica1 on 02-01-2001 at 12:10 PM]