I ordered a sauna timer Nov 2015 on Amazon.de but never received the product. I forgot about the shipment after a while and now 15 months later realised I paid but never got it so I contacted the seller asking for status to no avail. In a next step I weote I didn't get any reponse and there wasn't even a tracking number so he should refund 32 EURs. This is quite a small amount and 15 months is a long time so probably not much hope but worth a try. The reponse was an e-mail from the general manager accusing me of having either hacked the account and being someone else or being impudent for writing such a request and threatening to file a police report should I write such an e-mail again. A bit unproportional I thought so I complained to Amazon Support Germany who agreed that his tone was way out of line and requested him to apologise to me. The seller immedeately rejected their request to apologise and furthermore threatened to sue me for defamation claiming I hadn't received the shipment 18 months later. I am not sure Amazon Germany is handling his the right way and taking this seriously enough. The seller should have probably been already suspended. Any help how and where to I can escalate this greatly appreciated. Alex