My friend who was hit by the ambulance states that her car was moving into the intersection to turn left when struck by the ambulance from the left. The ambulance failed to yeild at the red light and did not have their sirens on, but apparantly had their lights on. An issue was that the ambulance was a miltiary ambulance - are laws different for military vehicles? The official police report stated no one was at fault and the driver of the vehicle that was hit was a member of the military, and was told they could not file a claim against the military. When my friend, who is not military personel, attempted to file suit to cover lost wages/work etc. the attorney that she consulted told her, after months, that the ambulance was only required to have lights on, not both. This is during daylight hours - at approximately 2pm.
This happened around 3 years ago. The issue is that my friend has pain in her shoulder/back and elbow which resulted from this accident. At the time of the accident her insurance took care of what was required, but now she has a different insurance company and this was a pre-existing condition that they will not cover.
What are her rights and is there a statute of limitations regarding filing a new suit in order to cover costs for needed meidcal expenses.