What is the name of your state? GA
Do you know if there are any class action suits to join re Ameridebt? I
started with them about 3 years ago with 2 accounts. They charged me a
$10 fee for each account each month. I paid off one account in full
about 3 months into the contract with Ameridebt, leaving only the one
account which I was paying $52 plus the $10 charge each month. Since
the other account was paid, I expected that the extra $10 charge would
now be dropped but they would not remove it, instead added the
additional $10 to the account I was still paying on. So in reality,
they were charging me $20 each month to send my payment of $52 out.
Over 3 years, this cost me more than $700 just for them to mail my
payment out. Doesn't seem quite fair or equitable. My total charge
balance was $1600 of which $1500 has been paid. When Ameridebt was closed down for fraud, I closed my account as I didn't want to continue to be ripped off by whoever took it over. This $1600 would have been paid up awhile ago, had that extra charge $10 per month charge for three years had not gone to the greed of misappropriation of "administrative costs" that Ameridebt pulled off. Are we, the consumers who trusted them, just screwed??? Thank you.
Do you know if there are any class action suits to join re Ameridebt? I
started with them about 3 years ago with 2 accounts. They charged me a
$10 fee for each account each month. I paid off one account in full
about 3 months into the contract with Ameridebt, leaving only the one
account which I was paying $52 plus the $10 charge each month. Since
the other account was paid, I expected that the extra $10 charge would
now be dropped but they would not remove it, instead added the
additional $10 to the account I was still paying on. So in reality,
they were charging me $20 each month to send my payment of $52 out.
Over 3 years, this cost me more than $700 just for them to mail my
payment out. Doesn't seem quite fair or equitable. My total charge
balance was $1600 of which $1500 has been paid. When Ameridebt was closed down for fraud, I closed my account as I didn't want to continue to be ripped off by whoever took it over. This $1600 would have been paid up awhile ago, had that extra charge $10 per month charge for three years had not gone to the greed of misappropriation of "administrative costs" that Ameridebt pulled off. Are we, the consumers who trusted them, just screwed??? Thank you.