What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? California
I currently live in California and have full physical and legal custody of the children between my ex and myself. He recently got orders (military) to Virginia and left 2 wks ago for the 3 year assignment. With him not living in California anymore, there is not much holding me here so I'm considering moving to another state. I am considering Illinois, Kentucky or Arizona.
In trying to figure out the cost of living and what I can afford, I started to wonder. Will the amount of child support that my ex has to pay go down? I have gone to the child support calculators for particular states and it is making me hesitate. Has anyone moved and had their child support gone down because of it?
I currently live in California and have full physical and legal custody of the children between my ex and myself. He recently got orders (military) to Virginia and left 2 wks ago for the 3 year assignment. With him not living in California anymore, there is not much holding me here so I'm considering moving to another state. I am considering Illinois, Kentucky or Arizona.
In trying to figure out the cost of living and what I can afford, I started to wonder. Will the amount of child support that my ex has to pay go down? I have gone to the child support calculators for particular states and it is making me hesitate. Has anyone moved and had their child support gone down because of it?