I was marry in nyc in 1995. My spouse is now seeking a annulment on the groung DRL section 140 subd. (a) a former spouse is living and marrage is still in force. My former spouse passed away in june1999. My present spouse knew of this -we separated in 1998. Can my marrage be annule, and if so can I contest this annulment. The paper were left on my front door on 12/1/00, the papers are stamped with the date of 7/10/00. Was I not improperly served. Isn't the time fame 120days. How can I file for a appearl to this service, and to the annulment? Can I file for a divorce even though he filed for a annulment.Their is no children to this marrage.How do I stop the annulment? What are my choices to fight. My first marriage was reslove in divorce, but I found out It was not sign off when I marry my second spouse. YOU HAVE THE FACTS......PLEASE HELP ME.