If you married someone becauae you love them but you also know that their VISA expired, does that mean you married for fraudulent reasons and that if you file annulment, not only will the immigrant serve time and get deported, bur youll face consequences as well because you knew their VISA expired?
It is only fraudulent if you weren't planning one living as spouse and spouse...
If you married with both of you planning on being together spouse and spouse, and the immigration status wasn't a factor, then it's not fraudulent.
If you married planning on being together spouse and spouse, only you found out after the fact that the illegal immigrant spouse was keeping another honey bunny on the side back home, it is still not fraud on your part, but may be fraud on the cheater's part. Whether you would qualify for an annulment is another matter.
So... satisfy our curiosity... what state is this, and why do you think an annulment makes more sense than a divorce?