What is the name of your state? MD
My best friend is currently out of work because of back surgery. It was her 4th major surgery since 8/05.
She had shunt surgery (brain) in 8/05. In 9/06 she had to have the same surgery done again and then a few weeks later had back surgery. She went back to work sooner than she should have in 2/07 for fear of losing her job. In 4/07 she had to have back surgery again at which time her employer let her go because now she had become a liability.
Here we are in 9/07 and she is facing having yet another back surgery done. She is beside herself because she is young (34) and has worked extremely hard to become a nurse practitioner. Her doctors have told her that she will end up in a wheelchair, the question is just when.
Before finding out about this surgery, she was working towards going back to work going on interview after interview. A lot of offices aren't calling her back in part because of her health as it has been brought up in her interviews as to when she would be able to start which at the time wasn't until last month. Obviously they wanted to know why and considering she is a nurse, a lot of the hospitals and doctors she interviewed with KNEW about her surgeries.
From what I understand she is being told that she has no chance to get disability. What are some things she can do to help her case as I can't imagine why someone with such documented things as soon to be 5 major surgeries in such a short period of time aren't enough. She is so upset that she is ready to cancel her disability claim and refuse this 5th surgery which her doctor has already told her she really needs. At the same time, she can't keep going without any income.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
My best friend is currently out of work because of back surgery. It was her 4th major surgery since 8/05.
She had shunt surgery (brain) in 8/05. In 9/06 she had to have the same surgery done again and then a few weeks later had back surgery. She went back to work sooner than she should have in 2/07 for fear of losing her job. In 4/07 she had to have back surgery again at which time her employer let her go because now she had become a liability.
Here we are in 9/07 and she is facing having yet another back surgery done. She is beside herself because she is young (34) and has worked extremely hard to become a nurse practitioner. Her doctors have told her that she will end up in a wheelchair, the question is just when.
Before finding out about this surgery, she was working towards going back to work going on interview after interview. A lot of offices aren't calling her back in part because of her health as it has been brought up in her interviews as to when she would be able to start which at the time wasn't until last month. Obviously they wanted to know why and considering she is a nurse, a lot of the hospitals and doctors she interviewed with KNEW about her surgeries.
From what I understand she is being told that she has no chance to get disability. What are some things she can do to help her case as I can't imagine why someone with such documented things as soon to be 5 major surgeries in such a short period of time aren't enough. She is so upset that she is ready to cancel her disability claim and refuse this 5th surgery which her doctor has already told her she really needs. At the same time, she can't keep going without any income.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.