What is the name of your state?california. my vehicle has been cited 10 or 12 times over the last 5 years for vc 22500 as i park in the triple wide driveway where i live. i have the owner's permission, i don't break the plane of the sidewalk nor do i break the plane of the street. i in no way obstruct vehicles entering or exiting the garage. the scarcity of parking in my neighborhood is well known to residents and the parking officials. i've parked there a thousand times, sometimes as an alternative to street cleaning where all spaces on the "good" side have been taken. i believe i was only written twice over five years on those days as the neighborhood crawls with enforcement. my neighbors and their guests have this same experience. is it an illeagle parking job and their just cutting me slack when they dont cite me or am i legal there. thank you in advance for any consideration you are able to give this matter. -peter
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