What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Kentucky
I was driving along the highway in the right lane, obeying all traffic laws, traveling the speed limit when a lady in the oncoming lane attempts to make a left turn directly in front of me, I am unable to stop in time and I tbone her. The police report cites her with failure to yield, I am not cited at all, and he told me that she was at fault, I suffered injuries and got a lawyer who stated that I had a case, however, now the other persons insurance company is attempting to place the majority of the blame on me according to the lawyer although she stated she had no idea how it could be my fault and didn't think it would be an issue.
Is the other insurance company simply playing games due to my age(19), or could I somehow be majorly at fault despite following all traffic laws and not being cited?
I was driving along the highway in the right lane, obeying all traffic laws, traveling the speed limit when a lady in the oncoming lane attempts to make a left turn directly in front of me, I am unable to stop in time and I tbone her. The police report cites her with failure to yield, I am not cited at all, and he told me that she was at fault, I suffered injuries and got a lawyer who stated that I had a case, however, now the other persons insurance company is attempting to place the majority of the blame on me according to the lawyer although she stated she had no idea how it could be my fault and didn't think it would be an issue.
Is the other insurance company simply playing games due to my age(19), or could I somehow be majorly at fault despite following all traffic laws and not being cited?