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Auto accident/no ins/please help!

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My boyfriend Bill was involved in a small accident last week. The problem is, his insurance had lapsed a few weeks prior. Bill was at fault and was able to talk the man into not reporting it and the police were not called. They exchanged information and have been in contact quite a few times since. The other driver got a damage quote of $1200.00 and another for $1700.00. The man told Bill that $1200 was fine. Bill then tried numerous avenues to get $1200 cash and nothing panned out. The best he can do is wait 2 weeks for payday and he will have the entire $1200. He called the guy and the guy got irate and told him he has 48 hours to pay him $1700 now or he will turn him in and report him. Bill is very concerned about losing his license. We are unsure of the laws in this state. Bill did purchase insurance the following day. Again, he will have the $1200 in 2 weeks and is fully intending to pay that to the guy. Not $1700. What can this guy do to Bill? Can he still call the police? Is he still at risk of losing his license? It happened a week ago today in the state of MN.
Thankyou for your help



I would suggest you pay the guy the $1700.and not have him report it......

Because boyfriend will have to prove finacial responsiblity with sr 22 before he can get insurance..and that will cost him a lot more then the $1700, over trying to get regular auto insurance.

BUT since he has regular insurance, if someone puts 2 and 2 together he will have to get sr 22...

are you feeling lucky that some government or inurance company computer or person, wont figure it out?

Hmmm.......accident on the 12th insurance starts on the 13th?????


The situation is over with. We paid him and it's done.
Funny, turns out the guy is unemployed and needed the money to pay his inurance that was going to lapse this week. :)

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