leaving my baby at home
Actually I haven't had the baby yet, this will be child #4, we were all excited had our 1st Disney World trip planned, had the hotel booked, rental car booked, and then found out I was pregnant, so we canceled. Too risky to go out of town while pregnant. My oldest is 10, he was extremely disappointed, I was planning on bringing the baby if we decided to book again, but my best friend gladly offered to keep him home. Believe me, I AM TORN!!! I'm afraid I won't be able to leave him and end up canceling again. I am a stay at home Mom full time, and practically NEVER use babysitters, honestly probably only once a month- if that. And we never take vacations. I'm not at all offended by those who feel I SHOULD take the baby- maybe you are right! I still might! I don't like the fact we'll have to get an extra hotel room for being a family of 6 though. I want us all to stay in one room, but those are the laws!