I asked for binding arbitration (girl rear ended me, I didn't have right kind of insurance due to miscommunication with finance company). Insurance company refused. I asked them to tell me their theory of liability, which they responded that I stopped in middle of road (not true, and I checked out where the witness was located in relation to accident--hedge in way, poor visibility). I contend she was following too closely and would have hit me no matter what the circumstances. I sent them a letter stating that I believed each of paying our own damages is fair (first they wanted all of it, then 75%, now 50%. The amount keeps dropping). They sent me a letter saying they hadn't heard from me (I did send them correspondence) and if I was not willing to make an "amicable" settlement by paying the 50% requested then they would consult with their legal dept. I feel that if they thought they had a leg to stand on they would have taken me to court (they have not, and this is from Oct 99). I re-sent them my original "pay our own damages" letter and am waiting to hear back.
My question is this: what are my chances (in the case that I am found liable-I am not but nothing is cast in stone in court) that I will have to pay more than 50%? Can they increase the damages? I feel that with all their correspondence dropping the amount is proof that they are just throwing it out hoping it will stick. Will a judge take this decrease of amount demanded into consideration? Also, what is the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit after the date of the accident (just property damage, no bodily injury)? Is there a CVC traffic code regarding someone having to pay attention to the driver in front/following too closely? What about the fact that I asked for binding arbitration and they refuesed? Will a judge take this into consideration? I have tried to get an attorney to take my case but none will (not worth it to them money-wise, and they won't even talk to me in the first place). I may have to argue this myself in court. Any help to prepare myself in this event would be appreciated. Thank you.
My question is this: what are my chances (in the case that I am found liable-I am not but nothing is cast in stone in court) that I will have to pay more than 50%? Can they increase the damages? I feel that with all their correspondence dropping the amount is proof that they are just throwing it out hoping it will stick. Will a judge take this decrease of amount demanded into consideration? Also, what is the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit after the date of the accident (just property damage, no bodily injury)? Is there a CVC traffic code regarding someone having to pay attention to the driver in front/following too closely? What about the fact that I asked for binding arbitration and they refuesed? Will a judge take this into consideration? I have tried to get an attorney to take my case but none will (not worth it to them money-wise, and they won't even talk to me in the first place). I may have to argue this myself in court. Any help to prepare myself in this event would be appreciated. Thank you.