In May of 2000, my wife who came to Utah ahead of me to begin school, ( I was being transfered back to the state), Got a car at a Utah dealership who agreed to finance her and let her take the car off the lot. Due to her credit she was unable to get financing. The dealership then got her financing by using me as a co-signer. Though I was unaware of this, until my wife told me after the deal was done. She told the dealership that she had power of attorney, which she did not have. When i talked to the dealer I asked if they had asked for a legal documentation of the power of attorney and he responded no. He said they just assume because she was my wife that it would be ok. I then said what if we were getting a divorce? I demanded they seek new financing for her car sense they assured her they could finance her and let her take the car in the first place. Nothing has happen. My wife has been late on two payments that are effecting my credit. Do I have recourse? And what can legaly happen to my wife?