We have a cell phone that my husband uses while on the truck. Our bill runs from the 26th of one month to the 26th of the next. He has 1100 minutes to use and resets his clock on the phone so we know how much time we have left before we have extra charges. When he is traveling, he evidentally gets connected to other companies towers for some calls. We have calls on the bill from the 14th-26th. These calls should have been taken off of our time on the previous month. Due to this we dont ever know how much time we have left in each billing cycle and have incurred extra charges. They do this almost every month. When I called and asked they told me that companies with there towers have up to 30 days to get the information to them so it can be billed to us. This does not seem fair since we have no way of knowing what calls are on other towers or when they will be taken off of our minutes. We live in Ohio. If anyone knows if this is legal please let me know. Thanks