I bought my computer in July 00 through a company who listed it on ebay auctions. The computer has had major problems since day 1. The computer was supposed to have a 3 year warranty so I tried to get the problems resolved through their tech support. I spent two full months and countless hours on the phone with them before they did a thing to help. After also trying to resolve things on my own, they finally said they wanted to bring the computer in for "repair". What they meant was that I was supposed to pay for shipping to them and be without any computer for weeks while they try to fix it at their leisure ( the auction said nothing about this). This was not even possible for me b/c i have to use my computer every day for school. I explained this to the company and their response is oh well. Up until this time I had been completely patient and proffesional to the company, but this finally made me very angry. I told them that I was going to email every bidder on every one of their auctions and let them know exactly what this company had done to me. I kept calling the company and they came up with different reasons for me to stop sending the emails but I continued. Finally they said that what I was doing was illegal and all further correspondance on the matter would be handled through their attorneys. I called and asked to speak to their attorneys and they put me on hold for a long time and then said that they would see me in court and hung up. I do not know how what I am doing could possibly be illegal. I would appreciate any advice on if the company has any real basis to sue me over or if they are just bluffing. We are in different states if that matters. Thanks, Danny