I have been working for my employer for the past 7 years. He is very inappropriate and says off color remarks all the time. I have stayed with this company for so long due to a personal relationship I my supervisor. He an I are good friends and I have not made any problems for the company because it may have effected him. He is no longer with the company and needles to say our company is falling apart. The most recent move by our CEO has been to take away spouse and family benefits which up into this point were paid for by the company. This doesn't sound like a big deal however I wasn't informed or given an option to cancel or change my benefits now I am having deducted 780 our of my check each month. Even more frustrating is that he has given a raise to 2 other employees in my company which work out of state in order to compensate for there lost wages due to benefits. He however hasn't offered that to everyone in the company. There are currently 4 employees 3 of us have families the fourth only a spouse. The other 2 that had families received the raise leaving the other with only a spouse and I left holding the cost. Is this legal? Is there anything I can do?
I have been working for my employer for the past 7 years. He is very inappropriate and says off color remarks all the time. I have stayed with this company for so long due to a personal relationship I my supervisor. He an I are good friends and I have not made any problems for the company because it may have effected him. He is no longer with the company and needles to say our company is falling apart. The most recent move by our CEO has been to take away spouse and family benefits which up into this point were paid for by the company. This doesn't sound like a big deal however I wasn't informed or given an option to cancel or change my benefits now I am having deducted 780 our of my check each month. Even more frustrating is that he has given a raise to 2 other employees in my company which work out of state in order to compensate for there lost wages due to benefits. He however hasn't offered that to everyone in the company. There are currently 4 employees 3 of us have families the fourth only a spouse. The other 2 that had families received the raise leaving the other with only a spouse and I left holding the cost. Is this legal? Is there anything I can do?