What is the name of your state?Ohio
I met with my lawyer today to sign reaffirmations for my house and 2 cars. He also has reaff's for Dell Financial $680 and Best Buy $1,300. With Dell the charges were for computer accesories and not the computer i.e. hard drive, memory, CD burner. For Best Buy I purchsed a $1100 TV 2 1/2 years ago, Playstation 2 2 years ago and the rest of the charges went to DVD's PS2 games, CDs, etc. The balance was 2400 and I paid it down to $1300 over the past year before filing BK 7. My Atty says they have "security interests". He is asking them to provide a list of items they want back. Its all small stuff except the TV. You can buy that same TV for $799 brand new. So my same 2 1/2 yr old TV is probably worth $150 if you could find a buyer?? What should I do? Atty said we could determine value and buy it, etc. I don't wnt to give them anything since most of the money paid went towards the TV before I started charging the small stuff.
I met with my lawyer today to sign reaffirmations for my house and 2 cars. He also has reaff's for Dell Financial $680 and Best Buy $1,300. With Dell the charges were for computer accesories and not the computer i.e. hard drive, memory, CD burner. For Best Buy I purchsed a $1100 TV 2 1/2 years ago, Playstation 2 2 years ago and the rest of the charges went to DVD's PS2 games, CDs, etc. The balance was 2400 and I paid it down to $1300 over the past year before filing BK 7. My Atty says they have "security interests". He is asking them to provide a list of items they want back. Its all small stuff except the TV. You can buy that same TV for $799 brand new. So my same 2 1/2 yr old TV is probably worth $150 if you could find a buyer?? What should I do? Atty said we could determine value and buy it, etc. I don't wnt to give them anything since most of the money paid went towards the TV before I started charging the small stuff.