This comes from North Carolina. on May 20,2001 I was driving on a secondery state road,I was meeting a pickup truck also their was a man riding a bicyle on my side of the road. The truck moved as far as he could to his right I slowed to around 40 mph and moved as far left as I could. As the truck and I passed each other the man on the bike was to my right as I was passing the bike the man turned left into my right front fender. The SHP report states the man on the bike failed to yeld right of way and collided with me. My insurance company will not cover the claim of 3400+. They say my uninsured will not cover because bicyles are not requried to be regestered or insured. My compersensive insurance will not cover because he was not an animal or that he did not fall out of the sky. They say it was a collision. And I do not have collision ins. on that car I was driving. What are my options for recovery for these damages?