What is the name of your state? CT
I'll try to make this short. The city I live in put up for bid to the highest bidder a vacant/abandoned house. The process was sealed bids
Bid's closed at the end of June. I was present for the opening of the bids. All of the people about 10 or so put in bids in the 30-60k range. One development corp put in a bid for 125k. My bid was $125,619. So I was the high bidder.
After months of waiting I spoke with the city as to the hold up. The woman says they are going to reject all of the bids and reopen the bid process. She said the original bid request was "unclear" as to what criterea they would be awarding based upon. If they gave the bid to the high bidder person then the other would complain that they had more experience in rehabing homes, and if it was the other way around then the high bidder would complain that they were the highest.
So now I am screwed. Since I am an individual I cannot afford to go any higher than I originally did. Now this corp knows the price range they must bid in to guarantee their win. On top of this the corp that is bidding against me is sort of shady. They are a non-profit that in the past several years have sponged a lot of federal funds for rehabbing houses and have had not much to show for it. of 600,000 in funds only 4,000 went to rehabing houses.
I found numerouse newspaper articles describing their past history. I higlighted all the imp parts and had all the surrounding neighbors sign a petition saying they don't want their involvement in our city. I sent this to the mayor, purchasing dept, and the P&E development dept who is handling the property sale.
I'll try to make this short. The city I live in put up for bid to the highest bidder a vacant/abandoned house. The process was sealed bids
Bid's closed at the end of June. I was present for the opening of the bids. All of the people about 10 or so put in bids in the 30-60k range. One development corp put in a bid for 125k. My bid was $125,619. So I was the high bidder.
After months of waiting I spoke with the city as to the hold up. The woman says they are going to reject all of the bids and reopen the bid process. She said the original bid request was "unclear" as to what criterea they would be awarding based upon. If they gave the bid to the high bidder person then the other would complain that they had more experience in rehabing homes, and if it was the other way around then the high bidder would complain that they were the highest.
So now I am screwed. Since I am an individual I cannot afford to go any higher than I originally did. Now this corp knows the price range they must bid in to guarantee their win. On top of this the corp that is bidding against me is sort of shady. They are a non-profit that in the past several years have sponged a lot of federal funds for rehabbing houses and have had not much to show for it. of 600,000 in funds only 4,000 went to rehabing houses.
I found numerouse newspaper articles describing their past history. I higlighted all the imp parts and had all the surrounding neighbors sign a petition saying they don't want their involvement in our city. I sent this to the mayor, purchasing dept, and the P&E development dept who is handling the property sale.